Search Result for “liner”

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A battle worth fighting

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 19/01/2018

» Towards the end of 12 Strong -- the new Jerry Bruckheimer-produced war movie that hit Thai theatres this week -- there is a scene featuring protagonist Captain Mitch Nelson (Chris Hemsworth), in full US army war-gear, leading a charging column of Afghan freedom-fighters on horseback into a Taliban gunline, complete with tanks and missile-launchers. In true Hollywood super-soldier fashion, the captain picks off jihadists left and right while holding his assault rifle one-handed, sprinting his horse headfirst into a flurry of scything machine-gun rounds. He comes out the other side unscathed of course, thanks to his prodigious plot armour, and proceeds to save the day as scores of freedom fighters are cut down all around him.



With a promise of fun, Suicide Squad is a near-suicide

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 05/08/2016

» For the first 30 minutes or so of its two-hour duration, Suicide Squad genuinely reminded me of the zany, outlandish humour of Marvel's Deadpool and Guardians Of The Galaxy, even if, ultimately, this one is not remotely as good. With zany, self-aware text introductions, a largely 80s-inspired soundtrack, excellent costume designs and enough one-liners to fill a book, Suicide Squad's first act was a fun, neon-splashed ride that made me believe DC's supervillain team-up would -- ironically -- be the comic label's first good film. This all dissolves by the second act, however, as the film begins to disintegrate into predictable, by-the-numbers story complete, with all the pitfalls that held back its predecessors, becoming yet another mediocre entry in DC's cinematic franchise.



Out Of The Shadows is a no-brainer

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 03/06/2016

» As I watched the press-screening for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows, I couldn't help but think again and again how much I would've enjoyed this movie if I was 13. Ninjas? Sleek, CGI-characters? Megan Fox? If I was 13, this could've been one of my favourite films of the year. If.