Search Result for “labour market”

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Global talent competitiveness: a plea for diversity

Christopher Bruton, Published on 31/07/2018

» The Global Talent Competitiveness Index is produced each year by the Switzerland-based management school INSEAD, with support from the leading human resource group ADECCO, joined this year by TATA Communications.


The World Cup Season Approaches: testing times for work/life balance

Christopher Bruton, Published on 11/06/2018

» Between 14 June and 15 July, the 2018 World Cup Season will take place at 12 stadium locations in Russia, with a total of 64 matches between 32 national teams. The series of matches will be watched by between 50,000 and 80,000 stadium attendees per match, depending on location capacity. But judging by past experience, total world-wide viewing could exceed 3 billion people, with over one billion viewers for the World Cup final match on 15 July in Moscow.



Flexible working: the ultimate work/life balancing act

Christopher Bruton, Published on 07/05/2018

» Work/life balance and the relative importance of harmonising family responsibilities with earning a living wage have become issues of primary importance in many developed countries. Employers and employees have found innovative ways of ensuring that successful careers can be combined with lives enriched by recreational activities, parenthood, family activities and the care of elderly family members.



School drop-outs cut GDP growth

Christopher Bruton, Published on 26/02/2018

» The best educated nations are invariably the most prosperous. Among developing nations, those that have the best chances of sustainable growth to economic maturity are those where young people take the opportunity to complete the education cycle and can thereby enter advanced productive employment.


Manpower solutions for workforce challenges

Christopher Bruton, Published on 05/02/2018

» Sourcing competent, reliable and skilled workforce in a full employment situation is a major challenge for every employer, large-scale or small-scale. Offering ready-made and tested solutions is a role that has been provided for 70 years world-wide and 20 years in Thailand by the Manpower Group. Manpower operates worldwide through 3,500 offices in 80 countries, serving over 400,000 clients.



Thailand: the Human Resource Hub of CLMTV?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 13/12/2017

» With the rapid expansion of political, economic and social relationships between the countries of what is now becoming known as CLMTV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam), this sub-region of ASEAN is beginning to become recognised as the mainstay of Thailand’s international relations.



The quest for fair and decent work

Christopher Bruton, Published on 30/10/2017

» Workforces the world over are now demanding more than just a living wage. Whether in developed or developing countries, there are calls for supplementary benefit systems, opportunities to make meaningful progress throughout their working lives, the means to supplement basic wages with additional earnings, and treatment with decency and respect during and outside their working hours, within or outside of their regular workplaces.



Thailand's challenge: Rich in ambitions, poor in people skills?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 22/05/2017

» Announcement of visionary and ambitious plans has become almost routine. The year 2017 will apparently not be an election year (nothing new about that) but has begun with boom times in the planning sector. In January 2017, we were treated to announcements about "Thailand 4.0". These were soon followed by further revelations about the "Eastern Economic Corridor". These schemes are all part of government strategies to move Thailand into "Thriving in the 21st century: security, prosperity and sustainability". The 21st century has been going for quite a while now, but "better late than never", and "never" had become quite a routine in recent years.



Mobilising senior citizen manpower

Christopher Bruton, Published on 25/10/2016

» We have previously discussed Thailand's ageing population and the need to extend the working life of the active population. Older workers can be successful, effective workers. But they need special management skills, motivation and guidance for both employers and workers in order to gain maximum benefit. Research by Britain's University of Leicester (Vanessa Beck and Glynne Williams: Managing Older Workers) provides valuable insights into strategies for success.



Employee Recruitment or Employer Selection: Whose Choice?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 12/09/2016

» In times not long past, employers were the lords and masters of the labour market. Birth rates were high, school leavers were numerous, and unless one had particular influences through families or friends, getting a decent job at a decent rate of pay was of the order of a rat race. Admittedly, there were not so many graduates with high entry skills, but then there were also not so many high-level jobs to fill. So everybody found a slot, and those slots could usually fit round or square pegs without too much friction.