Search Result for “labour market”

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Know Your Enemy: The Forces Driving Disruption

Business, Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 30/08/2017

» In a world where everything is constantly disrupting and being disrupted, the biggest and most terrifying risk is to stand still. To choose not to change is almost equal to accepting being swept away with the tide. Mark Zuckerberg once said: "The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking any risks."



HR in the age of disruption

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 24/07/2017

» A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to speak and participate in an event organised by the Stock Exchange of Thailand on the theme of “Sustainability Human Resources Strategy: Beyond HRM Approaches”.



Understanding the impact and implications of disruption on talent

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 10/04/2017

» In my article last week, I discussed how disruption affected the talent landscape, particularly in Asean, and how it is changing talent management strategy. This week, I will discuss the implications of those changes and elaborate on what we can do to stay relevant and not be disrupted.



In the war for talent, spotting potential is the key

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 20/02/2017

» We are now in an era where society and technology are advancing faster than businesses can naturally adapt. Business has become more unpredictable and complex, and employment markets can’t produce people with the right qualifications and experiences fast enough.



Keep up with Gen Y to keep them thriving in your organisation

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 25/04/2016

» Millennials have become the lifeblood of most organisations now that they are becoming the biggest proportion in the workforce. Regardless of the business you are in, this trend is unstoppable and it requires great understanding to develop and apply the special strategies needed to attract, develop and retain people from the new generation.



Rethinking talent management

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 28/12/2015

» It’s finally the last week of 2015. The end of each year tends to bring thoughts of successes and failures, beginning and endings that have occurred in the passing year as well as those that came before.



The Fight for Generation Y

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 27/04/2015

» Sooner or later, you and your organisation will have to face a threat as great or greater than any of the recent economic recessions. It could pose a huge and potentially terminal threat to your organisation. In short, you may not have enough people to keep the organisation going, let alone growing.


Winning the global war for talent

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 22/12/2014

» When leaders are asked what scares them the most about the coming year, talent management always tops the chart. With relentless globalisation creating continuous changes in the business environment, winning the global war for talent - finding the most suitable candidates wherever they may be to fill the talent pool - has become the critical success factor.


Closing the skills gap: the urgent mission that’s transforming the future of HR

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 01/12/2014

» When skills become scarce and current development methods do not produce high-potential employees quickly enough, human resources specialists must transform themselves and their approach.


Talent Management: The priority human capital issue in 2015

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 27/10/2014

» It’s already the last week of October and 2015 is just two months away. It’s not too early to start reflecting on the past year and to make some New Year’s resolutions. If you’re a human resources professional, now is a good time to gain a better understanding of the human capital challenges that confront many organisations today in order to set priorities for the next year.