Search Result for “killing his father”

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Book reviews

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 29/03/2018

» A desert thriller



A Druid victory

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 13/10/2017

» I didn't realise how many contemporary historians there are until I began reviewing their books. However, their interests don't vary greatly. Ancient Rome and the Tudor periods are predominant. Followed by World War II and the Templar knights. Then Ancient Egypt and the Napoleonic Wars.



Vatican thriller

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 25/08/2017

» Christianity hasn't been around long, its two millennia shorter than Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism. The God-Mary match captured the public's imagination and Holy Mother Church has been matched with God ever since. It survived its encounters with the Saracens and the Reformation, and now has an estimated following of 1 billion.


Never volunteer

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 05/05/2017

» For millennia, the essential part of every tribe and nation has been its military. Whether called war councils, war offices or war departments, their concern was having sufficient arms and training men to use them to the best of their ability.



A British Don Juan

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 07/09/2015

» Brit Tom Watson -- good looking with pleasant personality -- is every woman's dream and he knows it, and steals their hearts. More to the point, he does so for sex. Then he drops each in turn as the next one falls into his arms. Yet even when discarded, they can't quite forget his words of love and keep coming back, humiliating themselves, wishing that he'd take up with them again.



Rather clever solutions

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 22/06/2015

» While the jewelled isles don't lack for crimes, a plethora of police stories is set in England. Can you name a police inspector, chief inspector, superintendent from Wales or Ireland? Scotland has Ian Rankin's Police Detective Inspector John Rebus.



Extraordinary read

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 23/03/2015

» It is ironic that the fervent Catholic Henry VIII, on whom the Pope bestowed the title Defender of the Faith, should be the king who turned England away from Rome. It is also curious that he never converted to the Church of England, which he established. To this day, no Catholic can become monarch of Albion.



Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/02/2015

» Authors and publishers are still experimenting with their craft. Centuries and modern print-face, bigger and smaller print, over and under 100 chapters, chapters numbered and not, spaces instead of chapters, single and double quote marks, beginning the story on page one or three or higher. Not to mention the variety in covers.


Portrait of an artist

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 28/10/2013

» Though "paradise" is a common term, it has different definitions. In James Hilton's Lost Horizon it is a land tucked away in the Himalayas where the inhabitants never grow old. To New Yorkers caught up in two rush-hours a day it is sunny Florida. To wet Londoners, Spain's Costa del Sol. Hawaii and the French Riviera qualify.


FBI heavies again

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 02/09/2013

» We have all read a book, seen a film, heard music and thought we can do better. Just give us a chance and we will show them. And become rich and famous, too. Some pen a novel, act in a play or movie, compose a song. But in most cases the critics find it has no merit, the public hold their noses.