Search Result for “is”

Showing 111 - 120 of 213


Teaching, using English as a global language

Learningpost, Published on 23/03/2010

» Wherever you travel, you will hear English spoken in places as diverse as offices, canteens, parks and temples. Indeed, English has become as indispensable as computers.



Immersion in English

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 23/03/2010

» Currently, numerous parents are in search of institutions that can raise student competency in the English language as well as engross them in Thai culture. If international schools are not to their liking, they may well find that the Lertlah schools (LS), which have won much praise from Thailand's Ministry of Education for being a model English-programme school consortium, is an attractive option.


Forging business leaders

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 23/03/2010

» Even with a great deal of knowledge, without leadership and entrepreneurial skills, business students will not be sufficiently prepared to become leaders in their chosen field.


Variety in writing

Learningpost, Timothy Cornwall, PHD, DTM, Published on 23/03/2010

» I have a Thai friend whose meeting notes I edit. On one occasion, I felt the urge to change one verb simply because he had used it twice in the document. This article contains lessons that will help your students avoid this common practice.


Students deserve both quality and depth

Learningpost, Steve Graham, Published on 23/03/2010

» In a recent Bangkok Post article, Dr Somwung Pitiyanuwat, who has just left the Office for National Standards and Quality Assessment (Onesqa) to assist the Office of Higher Education in a new role, stated that he was looking for the country's best teaching institutions to conduct specialist teacher training.


Relocating may affect your children

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 23/03/2010

» Relocating from one place to another may not be a big deal for parents or other adults, but it may have a tremendous psychological impact on children. Adults usually celebrate relocation because it usually involves an improved lifestyle or a job promotion.


Cooking up perfection

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 23/03/2010

» 'If you want to study hospitality, it is best to go to Switzerland" was once a common adage given as advice to students who wanted to pursue a career in the hotel industry.


Slang: Helping languages grow

Learningpost, Heather Vlach, Published on 23/03/2010

» Change is one of the inevitable facts of life. Most of us have seen a number of changes in our own lives from simple things like fashion trends and entertainment to more revolutionary changes in technology and the economy.


Plain bloody minded

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 21/03/2010

» Last Tuesday we witnessed the spectacle of a couple of thousand largely under-educated, but probably very nice, country folk spatter their blood at the gates to Parliament House. A Brahmin priest dressed in unflattering white danced and chanted and painted evil curses in blood on the four corners of the House. As the sun went down the red shirts went back to their camping ground at the Royal Plaza, and I went home wondering if they were remaking Monty Python here in Thailand.



When the media Sees Red

Muse, Published on 20/03/2010

» With the red-shirted UDDs on the move, the local newspapers have been covering, and covered in, stories of security measures and the movements of the mob. As the situation looks unlikely to be quickly resolved, some people have been put off by the political and, of course, media channels through which we receive news of our troubled society on a daily basis. 'Muse' asked you last week, during this time when we're not sure of what we read in the newspaper or see on television, what kind of news you want to receive from the media: print, radio or television? Here are your answers!