Search Result for “investment incentive”

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Why the Fed is not worried by emerging market moves

Business, Paul Donovan, Published on 05/03/2014

» Several emerging market central banks have been forced to react to market events already this year. Interest rate increases in India, Turkey and South Africa followed bond or currency market volatility. Argentina has endured dramatic moves in its currency, and Brazil has been forced to tighten policy.


Does transatlantic top transpacific in free trade talks?

Business, Paul Donovan, Published on 01/10/2013

» Politicians negotiating international trade deals love their abbreviations. The world of global trade is a vast bowl of alphabet soup _ WTO, Nafta, Apec _ and now we have TTIP and TPP: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, as they are known officially.


The japanese are coming (Sort Of)

Business, Paul Donovan, Published on 26/04/2013

» The Bank of Japan (BoJ) has a new governor and a new policy. Governor Haruhiko Kuroda plans to print money. Actually the BoJ has always printed money but now plans an explosive printing of money. If it prints money in an aggressive manner, then surely this means global liquidity will surge?