Search Result for “inject”

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Blast from the good old past

Life, Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs, Published on 10/11/2023

» A jukebox musical titled Fan Chan (My Girl) recently transported theatregoers on a nostalgic journey. This week's opening undoubtedly thrilled audiences of all age groups with its curated selection of popular hits from the 1980s to the 2000s, a young cast of talented children, teen heartthrobs and a special guest star.



'Takeshi's Castle' reboot comes to Prime Video Thailand in Nov

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 02/05/2023

» If you are an older Thai millennial (born in the early 1980s), chances are you've watched zany episodes of Takeshi's Castle where contestants braved crazy physical challenges and obstacles (and got smacked for our laughter in the process) to win prizes.



Applications accepted

Life, Published on 17/04/2023

» Pelagan S, an illustrator, graphic and visual artist, was interested in the rawness of symbols and characters that appear on tattooed talismans. Although attracted to the original patterns, he wanted to create his own versions, so he extracted and redesigned the forms to be more modern and made paintings of them. He later presented the paintings to SAC Gallery's curators -- Patticha Thitithammaporn and Nutdanai Songsriwilai -- for exhibition. The curators, inspired by his work, developed the exhibition "Mu Te Lu: Ilmu Teluh" which features works of four artists -- Pelagan S, Eiair, Jun Sekino and Noon Passama.



K-pop super band BTS says 'devastated' by US hate crimes

AFP, Published on 01/06/2022

» WASHINGTON - South Korean K-pop supergroup BTS used a White House visit Tuesday to call out a growth in anti-Asian hate crimes in the United States.



Triple five festival calls domestic tourists back to famous beach town

Life, Published on 30/03/2021

» Phuket will come alive with a series exciting sports, music, cultural and community events during the "Laguna Phuket Revive 555 Festival", which will kick off tomorrow and run over three weekends until April 18.



Cirque du Soleil accepts purchase offer from creditors

AFP, Published on 17/07/2020

» MONTREAL: Canadian cultural icon Cirque du Soleil -- currently under court bankruptcy protection -- accepted a purchase offer from its creditors Thursday, which will serve as a minimum bid for an investors auction in August.



Oscar-winning director Bernardo Bertolucci dies at 77

Published on 26/11/2018

» ROME: Italian film-maker Bernardo Bertolucci, who won Oscars with "The Last Emperor'' and whose erotic drama "Last Tango in Paris'' enthralled and shocked the world, died on Monday. He was 77.



Up, up and way off

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 17/11/2017

» Amid the incoherent plot, awkward writing, choppy pacing and the dullest villain in recent memory, Justice League shows glimmers of what could have been.



The sound effect

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 08/09/2017

» With the number of independent films being made and an increasing number of recording artists taking the leap into the unknown without a label, knowledge about sound and how and where to best capture it becomes key. Luckily you're in the right country. Thailand is a production hub for Southeast Asia when it comes to film and now even more so, music. So, if you've written music for a video, a movie, a music album or you've got this song in your head that you always dreamed of recording... where do you go to turn such far-fetched notes into reality? You could of course do it yourself and start off at home! All you'd need is a condenser mic, a laptop and a few other bits of hardware (e.g. an audio interface, headphones, a MIDI keyboard) and software (Logic Pro or Ableton are some of many) and you'd be well on your way. Or you could go to the professionals, who would have all the gear at your disposal as well as the know-how to see your visions turn into reality. We decided to investigate some of the city's existing recording studios to see what they have to offer in the way of making music.



Far From Madding Crowd

B Magazine, Published on 05/03/2017

» Canadian musician Jamison Isaak has been operating under the moniker Teen Daze since 2010, the time when chillwave was still having its moment in the sun and generated a smattering of bands with nostalgia-inducing names like Washed Out, Memoryhouse, Memory Tapes, Sun Glitters and Youth Lagoon, among others. Over the course of the following few years, Isaak would continue to blissfully ride the chillwave, producing a sizeable discography consisting of five studio albums and four EPs -- each of which draws upon varying degrees of crepuscular synths, nebulous melodies and wistful lyricism.