Search Result for “hr”

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Completing your construction project in Thailand

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 29/05/2015

» Before you embark on designing and building your dream home — or business — in Thailand, pause for a moment. As exciting and full of potential as your project may be, the process of completing a construction project involves many rules and regulations, as well as reliance on contractors. Therefore, before committing yourself, you should know what you're getting yourself into and plan accordingly.


Class actions arrive in Thailand: will the law of unintended consequences prevail?

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 15/05/2015

» In December of this year, amendments to the Civil Procedure Code allowing for class-action lawsuits will come into force. If the effects on the legal systems of other jurisdictions are good indicators, the Thai legal landscape will undergo a fundamental shift. This article will introduce class actions generally and then look at the new legislation and its potential impact.


Refilling genuine packaging with unauthorised products

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 17/04/2015

» Counterfeiters in Thailand often refill genuine packaging and containers with unauthorised products, thus passing off the goods as genuine commodities. This problem is widespread. Refilled goods don't pass through regulatory standards or quality control and so they can have harmful effects on consumers.



Effects of a land and buildings tax on condo owners

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 03/04/2015

» As has been widely reported, the Finance Ministry has proposed a new property tax on land and building owners. However, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has decided to delay the new tax, citing concerns about weak economic growth and the bill's impact on the poor.


Catch me if you can: Cases of stock manipulation

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 20/03/2015

» Last year, 23 people were alleged to have been involved in the manipulation of three separate stocks. The investigations and prosecutions in these cases are ongoing. In light of recent events, this article explains the crime of stock manipulation, discusses the seminal Supreme Court decision on the matter and identifies a potential new tool of enforcement for private citizens through the recently passed class action legislation.


Labour disputes under martial law

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 06/03/2015

» Martial law has been in force in Thailand since last May 20, when it was invoked by the military, which staged a full-scale coup two days later to bring an end to months of street demonstrations and political turmoil. While it certainly has had an effect on political protests, martial law also has ramifications for another form of social protest — labour disputes.



Challenges of protecting intellectual property in the software industry

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 20/02/2015

» In the fast-evolving and highly competitive technology industry, software developers and owners should exercise strong vigilance to ensure that their creations are properly guarded within the ambit of intellectual property rights. Protecting software, however, involves complex, interrelated issues that encompass a mix of copyright, patent, trademark and trade secrets law.


IT law update, part 2: Amending the Computer Crimes Act gives cause for concern

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 30/01/2015

» The cabinet of Thailand recently approved a series of bills that aim to reflect the importance of information technology in the economy. They relate to computers, cybersecurity, personal data, information technology and telecommunications. Among them is the Bill to Amend the Computer Crimes Act, which proposes several changes to the existing law.


IT law update (PART 1): The Cybersecurity Bill

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 23/01/2015

» Earlier this month, the cabinet approved a series of bills related to information technology, personal data, cybersecurity and telecommunications. One such bill would recast the Information and Communication Technology Ministry as the Digital Economy and Information Technology Ministry to reflect the importance of IT in Thailand's economy — the same rationale behind the entire set of bills. This article focuses on one of these bills, the cybersecurity bill. Next week in a follow-up article, we will discuss another one of these bills, the bill to amend the Computer Crimes Act.


Enforcement of loan guarantees to change under new laws

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 09/01/2015

» New amendments to the Civil and Commercial Code will change the way loan guarantees are enforced in Thailand. Under the changes, which are due to take effect on Feb 11, guarantors will benefit from increased protection, as contracts imposing joint liability between a debtor and a guarantor will be void.