Search Result for “hr”

Showing 111 - 112 of 112


IP in financial services

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 27/01/2012

» Many companies are looking deep into their businesses to identify areas that could serve as value drivers, and intellectual property (IP) is one of the first things they turn to. The financial services industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors in IP registration and commercialisation across the globe. Banks, credit card companies, credit unions, consumer finance companies, insurance companies stock brokerages and investment funds are catching up with what are considered more traditional IP-generating industries such as pharmaceuticals, IT and electronics. The fact is, there are numerous aspects of financial services businesses that are worth protecting.


Understanding signing documents electronically

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 13/01/2012

» Clients often ask about the use of electronic signatures. However, when we delve further into their questions, we tend to find there is a misunderstanding as to precisely what this means. Often what they really mean to ask is whether they can sign a contract with a pen and then fax it, or scan and email it, and whether the copy that is printed at the other end will be effective in the same way as an original. This is something altogether different from an electronic signature.