Search Result for “hour”

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The 2020 Guru awards

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/01/2020

» We know it's the last day of January -- and if you weren't aware, it's February tomorrow -- but as a tweet said, we'll consider January the free-trial period and start 2020 properly on the first day of February. A bunch of stuff has already happened, not all of them good, but before we move ahead and put the past behind us, Guru would like to take one last look at the year that was. "The Guru Awards" have been held for the past two years but so much has happened that we decided it would be best to do a full feature in 2019 instead of just a few paragraphs in the Editor's Note. Seeing that the Academy Awards are also coming up, we couldn't think of a better time to give out our snarky, passive-aggressive accolades. So, ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to welcome you the 2020 Guru Awards -- no monologues, no opening numbers from Neil Patrick Harris. Just pure unadulterated cynicism.



Let's Celebrate Social Media Day

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 28/06/2019

» Fun fact: June 30 is Social Media Day. Yes, it's a thing. The day celebrates social media's use as an effective global communication platform. To honour the occasion, we gathered a few factoids, tidbits and stories relating to social media to see how much it has connected and consumed our lives.



The magic mountain

B Magazine, Onnucha Hutasingh, Published on 18/11/2018

» Different people have different definitions of heaven. For some, being at a beach paradise or on a mountaintop could mean heaven. But my recent trip to China's Zhangjiajie allowed me to explore a new meaning of heaven.


Scorned She-Devil takes a back seat

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 20/08/2017

» The phone number was not one I knew, but still I took the call. "This is immigration police … we'd like to make a time to see you." Would such a phone call initially have given you a chill down your spine as it did with me? I may live a life as chaste as Mother Teresa but I still feel a sudden surge of guilt.



I just can't Pokémon Go on like this

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 21/08/2016

» It has been a week of addiction and idiocy, as your columnist comes to grips with one of the grossest wastes of time he has experienced since standing in line for Krispy Kreme doughnuts when they first opened here in 2010.