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Future forward

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/12/2021

» Today is the last day of 2021 and depending on when you’re reading this, you may only have a few more hours or even just minutes to say goodbye to the year that’s basically been a repetition of 2020. There have been a number of ups and downs as we went through another lockdown and reopening, but the good news is that we made it: we’re still here and still trudging along, though some of us would really like to get a breather from all the craziness.



The 2021 Guru awards

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 24/12/2021

» As the year comes to a close and we're all looking back at the past 12 months with introspection, at Guru we will stick to time-honoured tradition of being reflectively snarky. Like any other year, 2021 had no shortage of cringe-worthy and WTF moments. So before we head into the new year with resolutions we'll give up on halfway through the first month of 2022, let's roll out the metaphorical red carpet as we award moments from the eventful year. It's time for this year's edition of the Guru Awards.



Camping cosmos

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/11/2021

» T  hailand has officially entered the cold season -- well, at least it's cold for those of us who live in the Kingdom. According to the Thai Meteorological Department, the "winter" (quotations as Thai "winter" isn't really winter at all) began on Nov 2 with the coldest days occurring in the latter half of December all the way until the end of January. For city-dwellers, it's predicted that we'll be enjoying the "extreme" minimum temperatures of around 15C to 16C, though we'll believe it when we feel it. However, the cold season signals the perfect time to take a camping trip especially up North where temperatures are expected to go as low as 6C or 7C. Brrrh. So unearth those fur coats and start buying camping gear for a cool road trip. Pun intended. It's time to go camping and Guru's got spots picked out for you.



Into the future

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 27/08/2021

» Here's something to rattle your brain: we're now past the halfway point of 2021. It's hard to count days when we find ourselves stuck indoors on an endless loop of never-ending Covid cases, a government that denies reality and protests from people who are fed up and tired of all the crap happening around them.



Couch surfing

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 30/07/2021

» Most of us dream of walking down the aisle -- the airplane one -- and the awkwardness that comes with trying to find your seat while avoiding people putting their bags in the overhead bins.



Life in the time of Rona

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 07/05/2021

» It's no mystery that the Covid-19 pandemic has upended the lives of people from all walks of life, all over the world. From children who were looking forward to their first day of school to people in retirement, there's not a single person who hasn't felt the effects of the coronavirus, even if they weren't necessarily infected.



The other WFH

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 29/01/2021

» The light at the end of the proverbial tunnel seems to grow brighter and brighter each day as Covid cases begin to somewhat falter and vaccinations are set to soon begin. But as we look forward to the day when we can finally and truly put all of this behind us, we're not entirely out of the woods yet. That means we're still facing a few more days of enduring working from home just to be safe. That might be great news for some, but for others who are sick of the same desk, same chair and same four walls, fear not. If you're looking for a change of work scenery, these hotels in Bangkok and nearby provinces are offering their rooms so you can WFH or "Work From Hotel".



The year ahead

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 01/01/2021

» 2021 is finally here and we can finally put "The Year That Must Not Be Named" behind us! Though we're not entirely out of the woods yet, the fact remains that a new year means we can turn a new leaf and look forward to the things yet to come this year. Here is a list of things that are in store for us, which hopefully -- fingers crossed -- may actually take place this year.



Can't touch this

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 23/10/2020

» Thailand is known as "The Land Of Smiles" because everyone here is happy and joyful all the time... right? As true as that is, there are certain things you can do here that can turn that smile upside down.



Budget getaway

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 25/09/2020

» Luxurious resorts with magnificent suites, top-class amenities and great restaurants definitely result in a great vacation/getaway. The thing is, it comes with a price, and the price can be a little bit steep. It can be challenging to find a place you can stay to relax and unwind and not hurt your wallet too much, but if a budget getaway is what you're after that caters to the enjoyment of kids and adults, Centra by Centara Cha-Am Beach Resort Hua Hin is a great option that's not too far nor too expensive.