Search Result for “green energy”

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Too much of a good thing

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 04/08/2020

» Despite being treated as a mere side vegetable, coriander has long had a place in Thailand's culinary culture. A member of the parsley family, coriander -- or phak chee in Thai -- is a significant flavour enhancer and a commonly-used garnish. Thais even have the proverb phak chee roi na, which means window dressing.



Sustainable everything possible

Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 11/12/2018

» For John Edward Roberts, sustainability does not just equate to green initiatives. For the Minor Hotels' Group Director of Sustainability and Conservation, it means the eco-friendly mindset that is embedded into even the smallest part of daily life.



The healing hand

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 04/10/2016

» Renowned surgeon Assoc Prof Dr Kris Chatamra and his wife Khunying Finola Chatamra have been working for over two decades for a better life for breast-cancer patients living in Thailand's slums. What both have seen served as the starting point for Dr Kris's project.


The smaller the sachet the sweeter your health

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 14/10/2015

» Starting from January next year, if you order a cup of coffee at Cafe Amazon and notice that the sugar sachets they provide are smaller in size, do not get too startled as this is part of a national campaign to reduce sugar consumption among Thais.



Duped by drinks

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 10/12/2013

» The nutritional drinks market continues to expand and this healthcare phenomenon is happening not just in Thailand but around the globe. A plethora of purportedly healthy beverages are growing in popularity among consumers trying to shield themselves against health threats.



Muse, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 06/04/2013

» The office does not necessarily have to be a bore. Well, at least, not from an architectural perspective.


Risks outweigh any short-term gains of toying with stimulants

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 13/11/2012

» While professional athletes sometimes rely on a sophisticated cocktail of drugs to boost their performance, stimulants _ known in Thai as ya dope, a rather catch-all term coined from English _ are more readily available and are commonly used by people in many fields of endeavour outside sports, with varying effects _ both positive and negative.



A learning curve

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 26/06/2012

» Kachakrit Yawilerng and his three schoolmates stood rooted deep in the woods, in pitch darkness and with no sense of direction one rainy night. They had no mobile phone, no flashlight or anything else to communicate with others in their group. But instead of feeling lost, they felt unimaginably composed, overtaken, as if by some inner peace and found themselves in perfect harmony with nature around them.


Making meat a memory

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 27/03/2012

» TV personality and man-about-town Atikarn "Jib" Noonpakdi used to boast that he had only three vices _ alcohol, women and a well-cooked steak _ but that he derived great pleasure from all of them. But after an eerie warning that shook him to the core, the high-living playboy underwent a dramatic self-transformation.