Search Result for “government officials”

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Choosing between a tax appeal and a tax refund

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 19/09/2017

» You may be surprised to learn that some people do not always claim the preferable tax treatment offered by the government. This is not a surprise to those of us who deal with taxation professionally, as some tax officials interpret the law narrowly and impose extra conditions to prevent abusive transactions based on their understanding or attitudes.


The importance of the effective date in tax laws

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 08/08/2017

» The government of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has passed a number of tax laws and regulations -- far more than its predecessors in the previous decade of political turmoil -- since coming to power in 2014. Keeping track of the enforcement of these new rules is complicated, as some have retroactive effect and some grant grace periods.


New tax legislation to comply with Fatca

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 16/05/2017

» On March 4 last year, Thailand and the United States entered into an agreement to improve international tax compliance and to implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca), which Washington introduced in 2010 in an attempt to discourage tax evasion by US citizens holding assets abroad.



When the spirit of the law shines

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 02/05/2017

» The current government has been trying very hard to make Thailand a jurisdiction that places more emphasis on substance and less on surface appearances. This is evident in recent legal reforms, but the attitudes of state authorities remain problematic. Many seem to believe that in order to be patriotic, the private sector must submit to any extra conditions that authorities impose above and beyond the legal framework.


Tax deductibility of penalties and surcharges

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 04/04/2017

» What would you do if one day a government body issued a ruling that set aside a guideline you were required to comply with, and another day it issued another ruling requiring you to do a different thing, potentially exposing you to wrongdoing? Unfortunately, that day appears to have arrived in the case of the Board of Taxation, a panel drawn from various respected government agencies, appointed and empowered under the Revenue Code to provide interpretations on tax matters.



The miracle of taxation

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 21/03/2017

» Two hundred and forty years ago, the renowned economist Adam Smith set out four canons of taxation in The Wealth of Nations. A decent tax system, he wrote, should follow the standards of justice, certainty, convenience and economy.



Tougher measures against tax dodgers

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 21/02/2017

» The world is entering a new era in which national tax authorities are joining hands to set up a system to hound those who dodge paying their fair share of tax by applying unacceptable tax-planning schemes.


Taxing the giants of the digital economy

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 04/10/2016

» As digital networks continue their relentless march, tax authorities are becoming equally determined to ensure that the new giants of 21st century business pay their fair share of taxes. Recent examples include the agreement by Google to pay tax of £130 million retrospectively to the UK government, and the European Commission's order that Ireland collect record-breaking back taxes of US$14.5 billion from Apple. Even Indonesia started a tax investigation into Google last month.


E-payment and bank secrecy: what's next

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 17/05/2016

» It has long been understood that a taxpayer has the right to a contractual arrangement that will allow him or her to incur the lowest tax cost where possible. Nothing in past constitutions or the new draft requires Thai nationals to choose a transaction that would expose the parties to the heaviest tax burden, as long as the transaction is within the law.


The government's tax amnesty scheme: Is it the real deal?

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 12/01/2016

» Many small businesses had something extra to celebrate at the New Year with the surprise announcement of a tax amnesty scheme. “Amnesty” is a word the director-general of the Revenue Department refused to use in a recent interview, stressing anyone breaching the conditions could face an investigation later. Given the broad scope of the law, all small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must understand what is involved.