Search Result for “government”

Showing 51 - 60 of 71


Group of persons or ordinary partnership?

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 27/08/2013

» Tax fraud has been haunting a number of high-ranking officials under the supervision of the Finance Ministry. Lots of questions remain unanswered as to why huge refunds were so easily approved for dummy exporters, while small refunds usually take so much time and requires lots of paperwork, which seemingly is never enough to satisfy tax auditors.



Legal uncertainty poses risk for new partnerships

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 13/08/2013

» Setting up an unregistered partnership to enter into a transaction such as providing services or leasing land plots has been a common technique for a long time. This year, things are going to change and require a closer look from the tax management perspective, especially when September is approaching and the half-year tax return needs to be prepared.


Impact of 5% tax on Mid-Year filing

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 16/07/2013

» Just like one domino toppling over inevitably leads to the collapse of all the other dominoes, failure to comply with filing one's tax return or keep books and records only leads from one tragedy to another.


How the Thailand-Taiwan tax treaty could help you

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 18/06/2013

» A news report last week about VAT fraud of 3.6 billion baht by more than 30 companies claiming exports of empty containers reminds everyone of the 1997 incident that misled the government to believe that Thailand's economy was still doing well due to healthy exports.


The battle over boi tax treatment

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 04/06/2013

» It is common nowadays to read about debates between the Finance Ministry and the Bank of Thailand over interest rates and economic figures. Similar spirited conversations have been taking place behind the scene about different topics between the Board of Investment (BoI) and the Revenue Department for quite some time.



New personal income rates too late for 2013?

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 21/05/2013

» In December last year, the cabinet approved new personal income tax rates to help people deal with the higher cost of living resulting from several factors including the rise in the minimum wage, and to make Thai personal income tax rates more competitive relative to those in other Asian countries.


Supreme court sets precedent on royalties

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 09/04/2013

» Taxpayers and the Revenue Department have been locked in endless disputes over the nature of fees paid to offshore service providers. Should such fees be classified as "royalties" or "service fees" under an agreement for avoidance of double taxation, more commonly known as a tax treaty?


Tax impact from new accounting standards and what to expect

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 26/03/2013

» Companies in Thailand this year are required to adopt three new Thai Accounting Standards (TAS) in preparing their financial statements, effective from Jan 1. They are: TAS 12 "Income Taxes"; TAS 20 "Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance"; and TAS 21 "The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates". All will definitely have a direct impact on many companies.


What has been done to help SMEs?

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 18/12/2012

» The 300-baht daily minimum wage has been the talk of the town and its impact has already affected the operations of many businesses since it took effect in April in Bangkok and six other developed provinces. On Jan 1 the wage will rise to 300 baht in the remaining 70 provinces of the country, with further challenges expected for many employers.


Facts to know before claiming ltf and rmf tax benefits

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 04/12/2012

» Toward the end of the year, there is always a rush by middle to upper-income earners to invest in Retirement Mutual Funds (RMF) and Long Term Equity Funds (LTF) to obtain the greatest tax savings possible for the current year and, at the same time, to maintain the previous year's tax exemption privilege.