Search Result for “government”

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The miracle of taxation

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 21/03/2017

» Two hundred and forty years ago, the renowned economist Adam Smith set out four canons of taxation in The Wealth of Nations. A decent tax system, he wrote, should follow the standards of justice, certainty, convenience and economy.



Turning entrepreneurs into corporate entities

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 07/03/2017

» February was a busy month in terms of new tax legislation. But this is just the beginning, as the director-general of the Revenue Department has also announced an ambitious plan to study extending Thailand's tax jurisdiction to overseas traders in cross-border e-commerce transactions. The idea is to generate tax revenue from online businesses, as the current legislation does not allow Thailand to tax foreign traders not doing business within the country.



Tougher measures against tax dodgers

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 21/02/2017

» The world is entering a new era in which national tax authorities are joining hands to set up a system to hound those who dodge paying their fair share of tax by applying unacceptable tax-planning schemes.



New measures to improve well-being and business opportunities

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 07/02/2017

» This year has started with some legislation aimed at improving tax treatment and allowances to enhance the well-being of people in general, and to add to Thailand's charm as a target for business investors.


Using the tax system to reduce inequality is a work in progress

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 24/01/2017

» The seriousness of economic inequality was portrayed dramatically by Oxfam International last week, when it reported that the eight richest people in the world own as much wealth as the 3.6 billion who make up the poorest half of humanity. In Thailand, the wealth held by the 50 richest people has been estimated at 25% of the country's gross domestic product.



Missed a tax refund deadline? Don't lose hope

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 10/01/2017

» Every provision in every piece of legislation has its own reason for being, and any act that contradicts the spirit of the law, even if carried out by a government body, is generally disallowed if it deprives a person of his or her rights. This principle is also applied in considering the time limit for a taxpayer to claim a tax refund.


Realisation of expenses under the 'canon of certainty'

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 27/12/2016

» More than two centuries ago, Adam Smith set out the rule that equity, certainty, convenience and economy are the top four canons for a good tax system. But since government authorities tend to care less about these principles and more about collecting taxes, it's no surprise that confusion persists when it comes to realisation of expenses.



When receivables are seized to pay off tax debts

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 29/11/2016

» The government has been giving away a lot of tax packages -- not only as a new-year present but all year round. It started with a tax amnesty programme (without calling it an amnesty), and has also offered allowances for those who spend at Thai resorts during holidays, double deductions for new investments, and tax incentives for investors that take significant steps in contributing to technological growth.


Another shockwave for real property

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 01/11/2016

» It is undeniable that real property has taken the biggest hit from the tax policies of the current military government. The new gift and inheritance taxes focus on real property, while the new property tax is designed to correct the flaws of the House and Land Tax Act and to collect more revenue from properties used for commercial purposes as well as unused properties. The latter tax is expected to generate huge sums for the government.


Taxing the giants of the digital economy

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 04/10/2016

» As digital networks continue their relentless march, tax authorities are becoming equally determined to ensure that the new giants of 21st century business pay their fair share of taxes. Recent examples include the agreement by Google to pay tax of £130 million retrospectively to the UK government, and the European Commission's order that Ireland collect record-breaking back taxes of US$14.5 billion from Apple. Even Indonesia started a tax investigation into Google last month.