Search Result for “good”

Showing 91 - 100 of 108


Apple's Magic Trackpad: installation and use

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 25/08/2010

» In mid-July, while I had the Mac Mini in my hands, Apple released its Magic Trackpad. It struck me as the perfect device to go with the Mini. I am less happy with a mouse now as I am so used to notebook computers and their trackpads.


A perfect relationship _ for a while

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 18/08/2010

» Some may think that with all the Macs I have written about over the past few years, everything works perfectly. My own Macs have all behaved well. My first modern Mac, which I bought in early 2002, still performs sterling duty in the hands of a friend. After three years of great service from my 2.16Ghz MacBook Pro, it was an easy decision to move to the current 2.66Ghz version with the i7 processor.



A Mini adventure on the Mac

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 11/08/2010

» I have been running the latest Mac Mini in my home and at my office for the past few days and in this time have reminded myself of what a useful computer this is. I resisted the adjective, "little" in that last sentence as that demeans the device. Compact is more to the point. As with the previous versions, its dimensions give a user flexibility with regard to location.



Steganography on the Mac: Hiding data in images

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 21/07/2010

» Although the analytical computer was theorised by Alan Turing in 1936 and some of his work was critical in the devices used for decryption of messages created by the Enigma machines of the Axis Powers. His "bombes" and the later Colossus were the first computers. Encryption, therefore, was part and parcel of the birth of the computer. Colossus was destroyed on orders of Churchill, but was rebuilt at Bletchley Park by Tony Sale.



Podcasting in Thailand: more to come?

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 14/07/2010

» Recently, Apple changed the iTunes store for Thai users and added Podcasts to the App store and iTunesU. This was long overdue. A podcast is a video or audio file sent out by its creator at intervals. It can be played on a computer or a suitable player, such as an iPod or iPhone.



Beware of non-virus threats

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 16/06/2010

» I had intended to wrap up the look at some useful utilities last time, but recent reports of malware aimed at OS X had me looking at problems and solutions in the first few days of June.



Even more utilities for OS X

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 09/06/2010

» I have been examining a number of ways that new users of Macs and OS X can improve their experiences of the (almost total) change in how they use computers. While new Macs come with a large selection of software, including some repair and maintenance utilities, eventually problems appear. These may be caused by poorly written websites, quitting applications before tasks are complete, or corrupted data, among other things.



A warrior’s mentality to maintenance

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 28/04/2010

» On several occasions while writing about OS X here, I have mentioned the idea of preventative maintenance _ fixing things before they go wrong. There is a school of thought that tells us “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’’, but a modern operating system has so many things going on that we cannot see (so cannot know about). Only specialist software will help.



The iPad in Bangkok: Two hours with it in my hands

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 21/04/2010

» If you read that headline and are thinking of heading down to your local Apple retailer in Bangkok, don't. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a 16G iPad through the generosity of a local reader who teaches here. A friend brought him one from the US and he was happy to share this.



When your kernel panics, you should try not to

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 14/04/2010

» While I was thinking about how new users deal with the move to OS X, one wrote to me with a question: What is a Kernel Panic? The Kernel is the core of the operating system, linking the computer's hardware components to the software.