Showing 1 - 10 of 201
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 12/02/2025
» Slightly adjusting the position of your right foot will change the width of your stance and therefore you'll be able to hit the ball at different points on the arc of your swing. In a perfect world this would mean hitting the ball on a slightly ascending strike with the driver and a slightly descending blow with the irons.
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 05/02/2025
» When setting up try to get the feeling that your hips are positioned so that there is a slight upward tilt in the direction of where you're trying to hit the ball. The feeling is that your left hip should feel that it's slightly higher than your right. Let's think about this for a minute as the overall feeling of your right side being set lower than your left comes because your right hand is positioned below your left on the club.
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 29/01/2025
» Let's face it, the golf swing is over in a flash and it's impossible to think of every movement that must be carried out in order to hit a good shot. For example, the backswing and downswing, if analysed in slow motion, would make a trip to the moon easier to organise and fully understand.
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 22/01/2025
» Winding up the backswing is basically a simple turn -- whilst at the same time stretching the elastic bands so that when you swing down and through the ball, it's as fast as possible, all the while keeping control of balance and direction.
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 15/01/2025
» Before 2025 gets fully underway, checking several basic points in your swing might be beneficial, rather like investing in putting your car in for a service before a long trip. Start with your grip by placing your lead hand on the top of the club with your thumb pointing down the right centre of the grip (for right-handers). Keep the thumb quite short as a long thumb leads to over hinging at the top of your swing.
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 08/01/2025
» Let's start the New Year off with something very basic 'Putting' -- as whether we like it or not for the average golfer, half of golf is putting. Top players earning their living on Tour only use up around 26, 27 or 28 putts per round. This basically relates to two putts every other hole and just one putt for the hole in between.
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 01/01/2025
» Please allow me once more to indulge in something different than my normal tip, as rather surprisingly my 'tongue in cheek' tip last week created a great response, which has made me think that some 'Roy Keane' straight talking is perhaps warranted within the business of golf at the moment. Particularly disappointing are those who lack the intestinal fortitude of expressing transparent views and honest reflections of the present state of golf. Candid comments would be refreshing to hear, rather than the 'go with the flow' mundane obligatory words they must utter because of their positions and roles within golf.
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 25/12/2024
» Seeing that it's Christmas and the season of goodwill, instead of my usual tip, here's something different:
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 11/12/2024
» When at the top of our swings our shoulders should be tilted from the top, not level as l see sometimes. Most golfers want to hit the ball long, and tilting your shoulders as we turn them will help tremendously. Shift your hips towards your target on your downswing so that your tailbone finishes up closer to the target. But your head should not get closer to the target or go too far over the back foot.
Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 18/09/2024
» When faced with a downhill lie, straighten your downhill leg and flex a little the uphill leg to level the hips. Play the ball back towards your right foot. Sole your club on the ground and square the clubface, whilst aiming to the right to compensate for the inevitable natural flight movement of the ball flying left.