Search Result for “generate income”

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Do you have adequate retirement reserves?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 10/08/2014

» Following the last Net Worth column, "Boom or bubble?", a number of readers asked questions about their personal situations and whether they had adequate retirement reserves. "Is there a bubble that is about to burst?" was the question that left many believing that they would be personally affected if that were to happen. In that light, if you are currently reliant on income from investments, are your reserves sufficient and should you be moving them to areas where they will be better protected?


The intricacies of self-managed investing

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 01/06/2014

» Many expats manage their own investment portfolios and in doing so experience varying degrees of results. It would be easy to measure these as success or failure, but investment decisions do not really result in success or failure — they are simply subject to consequences.


Property and the power of leverage

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 20/04/2014

» Property is generally seen as a very secure investment. But are you aware that property can be used in some enterprising ways to achieve multiple financial goals simultaneously, at little or no cost to you as the investor? It just takes a little ingenuity to make this happen.



The UK budget and the expat

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 06/04/2014

» The recently announced UK budget has raised a number of eyebrows. Initial responses are mixed, as there are perceived tax disadvantages and pension advantages, so what do the changes really mean for expats?


Balancing debt with investment and tax advantages

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 18/08/2013

» It pays to consider your options carefully when you have the opportunity to repay debt. Depending on your tax and investment situation, a careful analysis may yield surprising results.


UK private pension transfersthe final pieces of the puzzle

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 23/06/2013

» This last of three articles on United Kingdom pension transfers will analyse the pros and cons of domestic versus offshore pension choices and provide the final pieces to a complex jigsaw of transfer options available to expats today.


Offshore private pension transfers: growing clarity for QROPS

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 26/05/2013

» If you have ever worked in the UK, no matter what your nationality, you probably were enrolled in a private pension scheme to which your employer and maybe you made contributions. The UK government continues to tweak legislative changes affecting the expat's ability to move this pension offshore. On the surface, these changes appear to limit transfer options, but in reality they have strengthened the legal framework, offering expats continuing advantages.


Asset managing fraught with unknowns, but it's no roll of the dice

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 17/03/2013

» Making the right choices based on long-term planning rather than short-term thinking is the best way to manage unforeseen events. Although we would like to think that the status quo will never change, in reality such an attitude could be a recipe for financial disaster.


Double tax agreements: Look before you leap

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 10/02/2013

» Relying on double tax agreements (DTA) as the basis for dealing with your tax problems is a tricky business. Although they have a place as one of a few effective tax management tools, they need to be used carefully, and as usual, the devil is in the details.


You say you've got a resolution? We'd all love to see the plan

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 06/01/2013

» Did I just hear a "pop"? Did your bubble just burst? have you already reverted to old habits? New Year resolutions are often sources of fun among family, friends and colleagues. Seeing who can make a resolution last the longest can be positive, friendly competition.