Search Result for “gains”

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'Business and the Buddha': A book review

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 18/05/2017

» Business and the Buddha: Doing Well by Doing Good is one of a handful of books that directly address the application of Buddhism to the current business environment and management in particular. The book is written by Lloyd Field, who provides coaching and counselling to senior executives seeking to solve business problems through a Buddhist-influenced approach. His consulting practice has spanned some 30 years since he left Johnson & Johnson International where he was vice-president of human resources.


Maintaining growth with effective innovation

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 06/04/2017

» Since human beings are always looking for new things in life, businesses should be very good at offering new products and services as well. The great dramatist George Bernard Shaw summed up the quest for the new this way: "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man."



Steps towards change management that works

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 09/03/2017

» Change is impermanence. This is a fact of life that everyone is aware of, but accepting the hard truth is another story. The fact is, human beings are always looking for change, but only as long as it is within the limits of their expectations and desires.



Change is permanent, so get it right

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 01/12/2016

» The business world is a place where change is a fact of life. Corporations earn their living by offering products and services to attract consumers in the hope they will like and regularly consume them. On the other hand, consumers are continuously searching for the latest products to serve their changing needs. This restlessness or dissatisfaction with the status quo leads to high competition among businesses seeking to hold on to their customers.


Choosing the right tools for the right successor

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 22/09/2016

» In my article two weeks ago I discussed three steps for developing and sustaining a successful talent programme: creating a succession plan policy, identifying talent, and establishing a development programme. Today I would like to focus mainly on identifying talent, a subject on which many top executives sometimes have conflicting views.


A practical path towards ethical leadership (Part 1)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 14/07/2016

» When I was in primary and secondary school, we had two courses related to morality and ethics -- the duty of the citizen and Buddhism. So it always surprises me when I hear someone talk about "ethical leadership", since I have always believed that ethics is the key element in leadership right from the start.