Search Result for “fresh food”

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Gonna make ya sweat

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 14/11/2014

» As Thais, we love to dance. Within a space of just one month starting on Nov 22, there will be four full-scale dance music festivals that, although similar in terms of musical genres and DJ line-ups, will be produced, presented and themed in a variety of different styles.



Coolest of the Brule'

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 07/10/2013

» The world is a better place to live in now that The Monocle Guide To Better Living is out in full force to show us the light. As a glossy bible of all things hip and global, Tyler Brule's Monocle has been educating international citizens on how to live, what to see, where to eat and how to do business, among many other godly suggestions over the year.



Musical journey

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 11/09/2013

» Jason Mraz lives in a beautiful, bright world that most of us can only dream about. The wave-riding, bare-footed, guitar-toting musician sings about love in the most positive, the most saccharine-sweet way that the entire human race will ever hear.



Respectable Debut

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 28/08/2013

» In its attempts to become the premier international music festival in Thailand, Sonic Bang recently garnered in excess of 20,000 attendees who were accommodated in the air-conditioned comfort of Impact Arena.



Design of the times

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 10/07/2013

» The creative economy is one of the world's drivers, and a booming field in Thailand right now is graphic design and illustration. We see hopeful designers bombarding cyberspace with their works on a daily basis. Some have even managed to achieve a certain celebrity status and draw large followings, thanks to their cute creations and undeniable good looks.



Grease girl's still got it

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 28/03/2012

» It's not hard to relate Olivia Newton-John of today to Sandy Olsson of 1978. The same fragile and wide-eyed beauty that yearns after Danny Zuko in Grease still resonates today in Newton-John. To say she's aged well would be an understatement.