Search Result for “free entry”

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Easing into property-related holdings

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 29/09/2013

» In our last article we looked at alternative investment opportunities available via equities and the S&P 500. This general topic was clearly popular and some readers have asked for more details. Others were keen to explore the possibilities of additional alternative investments. Some want to invest in property assets but do not wish to actually buy the physical asset as they find the cost prohibitive.


The older expat and medical coverage

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 01/09/2013

» Since our column on essential expat healthcare on Aug 4, a discussion has developed about the plight of the older expat and medical care. While this group may look like a minority, there have been a number of questions about how they can survive in their current positions. Caught between a rock and a hard place, they are damned if they try to secure insurance and damned if they do not.


The realities of medical insurance for expatriates

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 23/09/2012

» Thanks for all the feedback from last week's "Net Worth" on the perils of ignoring medical insurance. Congratulations if you have crossed the line and are seriously looking at protection. Now let's look at some of the practicalities we need to think about. Readers have raised some interesting questions. Here are some of the most talked-about issues.


Give property a home in your portfolio

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 19/02/2012

» To achieve and maintain a successful financial plan, it is essential that you continue to diversify your asset classes throughout your lifetime. One of the most common and favourable ways to do this is by entering the property.