Search Result for “financial services”

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Human resource wish-list for 2018

Christopher Bruton, Published on 03/01/2018

» Wouldn't it be wonderful if all our New Year wishes could be granted in the next twelve months? Actually the wishes expressed below could all become realities, or, at least, a start made on them, if government policy-makers have the determination to address these issues. Our New Year wishes for 2018 fall into three categories: some that would enhance the skills of young people entering the labour force; some that would benefit those already in the labour force; and finally some that would benefit those in the evening of their working lives or beyond.



Thailand's challenge: Rich in ambitions, poor in people skills?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 22/05/2017

» Announcement of visionary and ambitious plans has become almost routine. The year 2017 will apparently not be an election year (nothing new about that) but has begun with boom times in the planning sector. In January 2017, we were treated to announcements about "Thailand 4.0". These were soon followed by further revelations about the "Eastern Economic Corridor". These schemes are all part of government strategies to move Thailand into "Thriving in the 21st century: security, prosperity and sustainability". The 21st century has been going for quite a while now, but "better late than never", and "never" had become quite a routine in recent years.



Workplace Cooperatives: a sound way to save

Christopher Bruton, Published on 13/12/2016

» Recently, we featured the pioneering work of iCare Benefits, a zero interest cost employee benefits program. This scheme now serves over 3.1 million workers in more than 1,300 factories in an increasing number of countries, including Thailand. However, even before iCare Benefits reached Thailand, there were already worker cooperatives undertaking savings schemes. These worker cooperatives now have the opportunity to work together with iCare Benefits, joining alongside factory managements and trade union local branches to provide cost-effective benefits for workers.



A worker benefit programme that really cares

Christopher Bruton, Published on 21/11/2016

» Many worker support programmes that are supposed to convey great benefits for employees often in fact do quite the opposite. No wonder, therefore, that schemes designed to offer a road to paradise for hard-pressed workers are often viewed with skepticism by employers and employees alike. However, with the advent of "iCare Benefits" to the Thailand market, there is, at last a truly viable, already internationally tested scheme that really does offer and deliver what it claims.



Assuring airport and airline safety for staffers

Christopher Bruton, Published on 03/10/2016

» In last week's article, we considered the important topic of residential safety for corporate staff. This week a second, equally vital topic of assuring, as far as practically possible, the safety of staff when travelling overseas on business or vacations is discussed.



When the thief holds the key to the cashbox: detecting internal fraud

Christopher Bruton, Published on 05/09/2016

» Much attention is given these days to corruption. Political leaders rant and rave against it, and politicians in general demand its eradication. But in most countries they are the biggest miscreants, stealing from the people whom they claim to represent.