Search Result for “film production”

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Real women rock

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 05/07/2020

» "Los Angeles, give me a miracle/ I just want out from this," Este, Danielle and Alana Haim waste no time getting down to the (ugly) business of their hometown on the ska-infused opening track of their latest album Women In Music Pt. III.


Keep on rockin' in a lockdown

Life, John Clewley, Published on 14/04/2020

» The sonic landscape of my life in central Bangkok has changed dramatically over the past few weeks of social distancing. Gone are the sounds of construction drills, booming pile drivers, honking horns, unmuffled motorcyles and throbbing tuk-tuks. I can hear birdsong of all kinds in the mornings and, at dusk, the whirring and squeaking of different bat species as they zoom around hunting for insects.



Go further west

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 23/02/2020

» Throughout their decades-spanning career in the music biz, Pet Shop Boys have always operated within the realm of sophisticated synth-pop that advocates varying degrees of dancefloor abandon. For lyricist Neil Tennant and composer Chris Lowe, however, it's not just about the allure of club culture or pure hedonism. From day one, social consciousness gets woven into the sonic fabric of their music. "In a West End town, a dead-end world/ The East End boys and West End girls," Tennant sings about the class and wealth gap on their 1984 debut single West End Girls.



The age of angst

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 01/12/2019

» Maybe it's a sign of the times, but taking a look at the young, emerging artists of today, you might notice that a great many of them tend to speak openly about their anxieties and insecurities. Much like her contemporaries Mitski, Hana Vu and Beabadoobee, 18-year-old singer Griff channels all of these feelings through unfiltered lyrics that read like a page out of her diary.



Dreaming awake

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 21/07/2019

» "What's that? (I may be paranoid, but no android)/ What's that? (I may be paranoid, but no android)," Thom Yorke sings on the lead single off Radiohead's third studio album, 1997's OK Computer.



Get Bizzy

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 23/09/2018

» In case you're unaware, the hip-hop scene in Thailand is blowing up right now. Underground talents are getting unprecedented exposure on mainstream TV reality shows The Rapper and Show Me The Money. All of this crazy hype can (and should) be credited to the Bangkok-based online community Rap Is Now, which has played an integral part in the re-emergence of the local hip-hop scene. Their infamous "battles", now in their fourth season, have bestowed upon us talents like UrboyTJ, Youngohm and Twopee Southside -- all of whom are currently basking in the glow of mainstream success.



Mitski, demystified

B Magazine, Published on 26/08/2018

» Born to an American father and a Japanese mother, Mitski Miyawaki spent her childhood essentially being a nomad and a stranger in foreign lands. After stints in countries like Congo and Turkey, she relocated to New York, where she pursued her artistic passions, dabbling in film study before eventually focusing on music. This gave her a bit of a head start in the industry because, by the time she graduated, she'd already self-released two records, Lush and Retired From Sad, New Career In Business, as part of her school projects.



The Stars Are Aligned

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 17/06/2018

» Mazzy Star/ Still EP



TOP 20 singles of 2017

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 24/12/2017

» Congratulations! You've made it to through the year, a rather challenging one characterised by a series of unfortunate events from the rise of the Alt-Right and the Weinstein scandal to devastating hurricanes and sights of starving polar bears. We've also lost a handful of musicians along the way -- Soundgarden's Chris Cornell, Linkin Park's Chester Bennington and Tom Petty, to name but a few. Thankfully, those who are still alive and kicking have served up some of the most memorable tunes we've had the pleasure of hearing this year. Handpicked from our Playlists over the last 12 months, here are the top 20 singles that have defined the year that was. This week we're counting down from 20 up to 11 and the rest will be revealed next week. Before we close up the shop, let's once again pat ourselves on the back for this year was no child's play by any standards. May you have strength and courage to wade through Donald Trump's tweets and Prayut Chan-o-cha's tantrums in the coming year.



The Healing Process

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 26/02/2017

» Sampha's long-anticipated debut solo LP sees him dealing with loss and anxiety as he arrives on the scene fully formed as an artist.