Search Result for “executed”

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Deductibility of guaranteed amounts by fund sponsors

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 03/10/2017

» Property funds have long been popular with investors in Thailand, where the mutual-fund structure is being phased out and funds are being converted to real estate investment trusts or REITs. Raising funds from investors through such vehicles often involves a guarantee from the originator to increase confidence in the investment. This can be the starting point for problems on the tax front.


Understanding the tax liabilities of partners in an unincorporated joint venture

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 27/06/2017

» In doing business via a joint venture, knowing the tax implications could help you avoid potentially perilous situations. This includes understanding corporate laws that may affect the tax liabilities of the partners.


Complications arising from new stamp duty rules

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 26/07/2016

» While stamp duty is a type of nuisance tax that tends to be forgotten, failing to comply with its requirements could have distressing consequences. An instrument that is not properly affixed with stamp duty may be subject to surcharges that could climb as high as 600% of the original duty. As well, it could be prohibited from being used as evidence in a court of law.


Bad debt write-offs and VAT impact

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 03/05/2016

» One tax default can cause a domino effect and lead from one unpleasant outcome to another misfortune. One good example involves erroneously writing off bad debts.


The government's tax amnesty scheme: Is it the real deal?

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 12/01/2016

» Many small businesses had something extra to celebrate at the New Year with the surprise announcement of a tax amnesty scheme. “Amnesty” is a word the director-general of the Revenue Department refused to use in a recent interview, stressing anyone breaching the conditions could face an investigation later. Given the broad scope of the law, all small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must understand what is involved.



New interpretations of leasing exemption rules

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 16/06/2015

» Failure to comply with tax obligations can bring about disastrous results, not only for the income earner but also for the payer of the income. This is always the case for withholding tax imposed on particular types of income.


What's wrong with not appealing the ample rich case ?

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 28/02/2012

» In 2001, ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra sold Shin Corp shares to Ample Rich Investment Limited, a company incorporated in British Virgin Islands. Five years later, Ample Rich sold the shares to the family's children at one baht a share one day before they sold them to Temasek in a big-lot sale on the Stock Exchange of Thailand at 49.25 baht a share, reaping a huge capital gain.


New law aims to promote investment through trusts

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 14/02/2012

» In an attempt to promote the use of a trust under the Trust for Transactions in Capital Market Act B.E. 2550 (2007) (''Trust Act'') as a new investment vehicle in the stock market, the Thai cabinet approved an executive decree to grant certain tax incentives. Now, the decree has become effective and it is time for us to examine what has been offered to the investors so far.