Search Result for “essential role”

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Farm animals are hauled all over the country; so are their pathogens

Published on 20/05/2024

» The bird flu virus that is spreading through American dairy cows can probably be traced back to a single spillover event. Late last year, scientists believe, the virus jumped from wild birds into cattle in the Texas panhandle. By this spring, the virus, known as H5N1, had travelled hundreds of miles or more, appearing on farms in Idaho, North Carolina and Michigan.



Vatican says gender change, surrogacy are threats to human dignity

New York Times, Published on 09/04/2024

» ROME — The Vatican on Monday issued a new document approved by Pope Francis stating that the church believes that gender-fluidity and transition surgery, as well as surrogacy, amount to affronts to human dignity.



‘Doomsday vault’ gets record batch of seeds

Published on 27/02/2024

» OSLO - A vault built in the frozen Arctic to preserve global agricultural crops from extinction received seeds on Tuesday from the largest number of new contributors yet, according to a custodian of the remote facility.



Myanmar overtakes Afghanistan as top opium producer

AFP, Published on 12/12/2023

» Myanmar became the world's biggest producer of opium in 2023, overtaking Afghanistan after the Taliban government's crackdown on the trade, according to a United Nations report released on Tuesday.



Qatar burnishes role as 'essential' hostage negotiator with Israel-Hamas deal

AFP, Published on 22/11/2023

» PARIS - The emirate of Qatar has further boosted its status as a specialist power in resolving delicate hostage situations by using its influence to help secure the release of hostages by Palestinian militant group Hamas.



Top consultancy undermining climate change fight: whistleblowers

AFP, Published on 07/11/2023

» PARIS - The world's top management consultancy McKinsey & Company is using its position as a key advisor to the UN's COP28 climate talks to push the interests of its big oil and gas clients, undermining efforts to end the use of the fossil fuels driving global warming, according to multiple sources and leaked documents.



Lethal bat-borne virus sparks new pandemic fears

Published on 30/10/2023

» MARUTHONKARA, India: It was more than two weeks before doctors even realised what they were treating, the fourth outbreak in five years of the lethal, brain-swelling Nipah virus in India’s Kerala region. By then, hundreds of people had been exposed to the bat pathogen.



Biden to rally Americans on Israel, Ukraine support

AFP, Published on 20/10/2023

» WASHINGTON - US President Joe Biden is set to deliver a rare Oval Office speech Thursday urging Americans to back Israel and Ukraine at what he says is a perilous moment for democracy around the globe.



September hottest on record by ‘extraordinary’ margin

AFP, Published on 05/10/2023

» PARIS - Last month was the hottest September on record by an "extraordinary" margin as the world flirts dangerously with breaching a key warming limit, the EU climate monitor said on Thursday.



US aid cuts would be 'devastating' for Ukraine soldiers: experts

AFP, Published on 03/10/2023

» WASHINGTON - Ukraine's troops would soon run short of essential ammunition and equipment if Republican hardliners succeed in stopping US military aid, undermining operations on the ground and reducing their ability to defend against Russian strikes, experts say.