Search Result for “drug”

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A broad canvas

Muse, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 07/04/2018

» Not all of us will make our mark as Mona Lisa, but it is possible to be the centre star of an art piece. If you are a self-confessed shutterbug and lover of art, an interactive art exhibition is currently ongoing at Emporium right now under the name Museum of Me (MOME). Inside the pink pastel box, which has just popped up inside their department store, this museum's showcase will not be complete without its main exhibition: you. Get snapped upon entering MOME and get ready to see yourself turned into art works by 10 different artists. The summer museum visit all ends at the museum gift shop, which of course, sells mementos that star you.



The wealth of health

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 25/09/2015

» His words tumble out slowly and at times repetitively, without the groomed articulation that one might expect of a global magnate whose job is also to be the poster boy of his empire. He continuously fiddles with a sugar pot. Up close, he seems wirier than in pictures, and save for the iconic long hair and beard, the 65-year-old Brit on the other side of the table looks nothing like one of the world's most influential billionaires.



Going West

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 14/07/2015

» Wakey wakey, Thailand. Look at what the winds are bringing in: Thai remakes of American series. How well is any of this is going to go down? So glad you asked, because we did our homework. 



Sexy, strong and superhuman

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 27/08/2014

» Some thick people we know may give off the impression that they are using only 10% of their brains. It may be a long-time hoax and also the biggest controversy surrounding Luc Besson’s latest film, Lucy, but nevertheless, it serves as the main road map that drives the picture. Lucy, which hits Thai cinemas tomorrow, stars a strangely unprovocative Scarlett Johansson as the unapologetically invincible heroine.