Search Result for “driving causing”

Showing 91 - 100 of 142



A crash course in systematic injustice

News, Editorial, Published on 20/03/2016

» Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. An expensive car crashes. One or more people die. A person with a recognisable name, either through their own fame or the position of their parents, emerges from the wreckage or flees the scene. No breath test is administered. Compensation is offered and the family tries to wriggle their way out of any legal consequences. The police fail dismally at their job.



Once again, justice has a price

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 18/03/2016

» "Money Can’t Buy Everything", or so goes a song recorded by Brave Combo many years ago. But it's clearly not completely true - at least not in our Land of Smiles.


Stop surge of the superbugs now

News, Published on 23/02/2016

» A return to the dark, pre-antibiotic era of public health is looming. Here's how to fight back.



Keep economy going with megaprojects

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 19/02/2016

» After running the country for nearly two years, the government finally has some good news: The economy has bounced back, albeit slowly. Nonetheless, this is a pleasant surprise.


For women, driving a car brings fear, freedom and suspicion

News, Published on 10/11/2015

» Since Rokhsar Azamee began driving the streets of Kabul last year, she has endured condescension, ridicule, and even threats to her life with some men deliberately causing "accidents" to harass her. But she will not be deterred.


Airlines not to blame for bus problems

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 12/10/2015

» Inter-provincial buses are not running out of gas; they are running out of passengers. Transport Co is apparently following in the footsteps of another state-owned enterprise under the Transport Ministry as it struggles to fill up its fleet with passengers. The firm is on course to see net profits drop sharply from 342 million baht last year to around 217 million this year.



The big issue: A not-so-free press

Alan Dawson, Published on 20/09/2015

» The prime minister explained that reporters can be idjits, which is true, and the soon-to-be police chief said reporters are the reason he can’t catch the Yellow T-Shirt Guy, which is not. All in the game, as we shall see, but the most devastating blow in decades to freedom of the press in Thailand came from ... the press.


Bluto vs Barbarella

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 31/08/2015

» Last week we had one of our rare family gatherings, this time to make merit for my late father who passed away 30 years ago. I write quite a bit about my mother, who is still doing well at the age of 97. So today I thought I'd do a bit of reminiscing about my father. Having your own column allows you that bit of self-indulgence.


Lacking education is prison without the bars

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 05/06/2015

» The mass arrest of young motorcycle racers in Bangkok earlier this week once again put the issue of parental responsibility into the public spotlight. Whenever minors commit crimes, parents are suddenly left being held to account. Not friends. Not schools. Parents alone. 


Dreaming of the police making our roads safe for cyclists

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 08/05/2015

» I was already in my early teens when I got my first bicycle. At the time, Bangkok was just starting to be modernised. New roads were paved and traffic was light. There were electric trams running. Tuk-tuks had just replaced trishaws which were delegated to outer, less-developed parts of the city and beyond.