Search Result for “disease”

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Tapping your way to better health

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 16/05/2022

» Author Shalini Joshi Yamdagni's book Instant Pain Relief is a candid testimony of how she was healed of debilitating chronic pain using the holistic approach EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), commonly described as tapping.



For a bet ter tomorrow

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 21/02/2022

» With a historical legacy stretching over a century, the Rockefeller Foundation and its partners have worked diligently to address health challenges in Thailand by encouraging innovative partnerships to promote the well-being of Thai communities.



The race for an HIV vaccine

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 01/12/2021

» Thailand has come a long way since Dec 1, 1988, was dedicated as Aids awareness day. Last year, there were close to 500,000 HIV cases in the country, while UNAids reported approximately 37.6 million HIV cases globally.



Protect and serve

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 02/06/2021

» When working from home and self-isolation is not an option, Oh* said the rise in Covid-19 infection numbers among her fellow police officers made her anxious and uneasy in the company of not just outsiders but also her colleagues.



Medical miracle

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 30/03/2021

» Having fought deadly breast cancer for close to a decade, Phloenphit Kowae's life was hanging by a thread. The deadly disease had ravaged her body, starting from the breast and later spreading to her lungs, liver and bones. The reality was that she was terminally-ill and slowly dying.



The beauty of growing old

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 17/02/2021

» Thailand will officially become a fully-fledged ageing society this year as 13.1 million people, or 20% of the population, will have passed the retirement age of 60. Reaching this milestone has made it necessary for men and women to ponder ways to implement proactive measures to ensure their transition into this phase of life is smooth.



Double trouble

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 30/11/2020

» In the dry winter months, it is not just the fear of Covid-19 but also the menacing presence of particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) -- hazardous fine-dust particles that measure 2.5 micrometres or less in diameter and affect the human respiratory system -- that the public has to contend with.



Colliding epidemics

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 17/11/2020

» After surfacing in Thailand in September this year, the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) epidemic has claimed one life so far -- a 10-month-old infant from Chaiyaphum province -- as well caused the hospitalisation of scores of children under the age of six. Symptoms of the virus, for which there is no vaccine to date, include fever, dry/wet cough, sneezing, a runny nose, loss of appetite, and breathing difficulty and/or wheezing.



Spotting a silent killer

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 15/09/2020

» When US actor Chadwick Boseman, best known for his portrayal of T'Challa in Marvel's Black Panther, died late last month due to colon cancer, his untimely demise sparked global discourse about the disease, its causes and treatments, and the changing landscape of who is being affected.



Building resilience

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 30/06/2020

» The Covid-19 pandemic has left private and government schools in Thailand in uncharted territory. While much has been discussed about how to keep children engaged during these trying times, how educators and students are fairing emotionally in adjusting to the new normal has not been given much thought.