Search Result for “director”

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Who's watching Richie Moore?

Guru, Chris Raufeisen, Published on 16/06/2017

» Richie Moore is an award winning American cinematographer and director based in both Bangkok and Los Angeles. His latest production, Who's Watching Oliver, was his directorial debut and has garnered numerous accolades across film festivals worldwide. Richie has a fascinating story. At 16 he dropped out of high school and began working on film sets. Growing up on productions, he was basically raised by his father's film crew and learned to master the ropes from square one. It's obvious film-making has always been more than a career for him; it's his life. His perseverance as a young worker compelled his obsession for film-making and blossomed his love and respect for the duties and contributions of crew members. Over his career, he's done camera work on some notable titles in Hollywood, including The Hangover (parts two and three), Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol as well as Netflix's Marco Polo series. Most recently, Richie made the leap into writing and directing. His debut film, Who's Watching Oliver is an indisputable fan favourite in the film festival circuit. The film's popularity has gained some serious momentum already, winning seven "Best Feature Film" awards, five "Best Actor" awards and tallying up to more than 20 nominations. Guru spoke with the man behind the silver screen to get some insider information on his new flick and to see what makes him tick.



Comic boom

Guru, Chris Raufeisen, Published on 26/05/2017

» Stand up comedy is an unfolding art form, especially in Asia. This city has so much to offer, but where should one go for a good laugh? As an amateur comedian in the English comedy scene here, I've seen popularity grow in nine months, from one or two to four or five shows per week. From an insider's perspective, demand has increased with supply, and rightfully so! Venting the madness behind Bangkok are five comedy venues. We asked club owners, comedians and fans to share the magic most Bangkokians are missing!



Turnt up

Guru, Chris Raufeisen, Published on 12/05/2017

» For a while EDM has been the centre of focus for armies of festival-goers and it's still a definite staple of the music diet here in Thailand. However, other genres of electronic music such as deep house and techno are swiftly gaining armies of loyal listeners here as well. The magic behind this growth is rooted in the strong bonds of togetherness their events create, along with the super laid back atmosphere of Thailand. Now, marry those concepts to an explosion of performances, events and shows happening almost weekly in Bangkok and you have an unbeatable music scene built upon a world class tourist destination -- not to mention it's cheaper here too. If you love dancing, meeting new people and partying in a chilled and relaxed environment, then it's time for you to get involved. There are many to list and they all deserve credit, but let's take a look at a few of Thailand's household names in house and techno that are involved with organising a good time near you.