Search Result for “died”

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Keeping a culture alive

Life, John Clewley, Published on 25/06/2019

» How do you make folk music relevant in these postmodern times? Traditional music is under threat everywhere you look, as are minority languages, arts and crafts and the habitat and environment that helped create them.



The doctor is out

Life, John Clewley, Published on 11/06/2019

» Dr John, the High Priest of New Orleans' hoodoo, the Night Tripper and one of the heirs to Professor Longhair's legacy, died last week at the age of 77. He was widely regarded as one of the Crescent City's most accomplished musicians -- a master bandleader, songwriter, guitarist, voodoo showman and pianist. He was comfortable moving between blues, jazz, funk, boogie-woogie and anything else he fancied, and he was known as a keeper of New Orleans' piano traditions.



Suphanburi Soul

Life, John Clewley, Published on 30/04/2019

» It's been a while since Bangkok-based Zudrangma Records has released any new compilations. Last week, the label put out two compilations that will be of great interest to fans of Thai (Central Plains) traditional music and molam from Isan.


Revolutionary's road

Life, John Clewley, Published on 02/04/2019

» Poet, novelist, piano player. And that was before Gil Scott-Heron had reached 20. He wrote and recorded his best known song, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, in 1971, and from then on produced a unique and polemical body of prose, poetry and music that led him to be dubbed the "Father of Political Rap", the originator of "nu soul" and many more titles. He preferred being called a "bluesologist".



Farewell to a punk pioneer

Life, John Clewley, Published on 11/12/2018

» Manchester in the mid- to late-1970s was dark and moody. The International Monetary Fund bailed out the UK economy with a £3.5 billion loan in 1976 as the pound sunk to record lows. There was bitter infighting in the Labour-led government and strikes were in the news headlines.


Horns of Africa

Life, John Clewley, Published on 13/11/2018

» Summer and autumn releases are out and there are some fascinating new albums that are well worth checking out. The European Broadcast Union's Top Ten World Music Chart for November features hits from the Horn of Africa, Turkey, Zimbabwe and Colombia.


Great Little Otis

Life, John Clewley, Published on 02/10/2018

» Otis Rush, the legendary blues guitarist, singer and bandleader, died last week, following a long illness. He was 84 years old. Not as well-known as Chicago blues legends like Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon and Howling Wolf, he was, nonetheless, a major player in the development of the Chicago "West Side Sound" and his unique, guitar style influenced rock musicians like Mike Bloomfield, Duane Allman, Carlos Santana and Eric Clapton.


A tribute to Rachid Taha

Life, John Clewley, Published on 18/09/2018

» Rachid Taha, the iconoclastic and rebellious singer from Algeria, died last week in a Paris suburb. He was 59 years old. He had emigrated to France at the age of 10 with his family and emerged in the early 1980s with his band Carte de Sejour, which he founded in 1980 in Lyon. In 1986, he made waves with a cynical, mocking cover of chanson icon Charles Trenet's song, Douce France (Sweet France). Adding Arabic oud and drums and jumping into the song with a punkish snarl and biting (new) lyrics, this song set the tone for his entire career.



Beating the rainy-season blues

Life, John Clewley, Published on 04/09/2018

» The rainy season is upon us. The clouds roll in and a murky gloom descends; floods in the provinces, traffic jams in Bangkok. And, as we get to the months that often have the most rainfall -- September and October -- many here in the capital wonder if it will be as bad as the catastrophic floods of 2011.



Her soul is immortal

Life, John Clewley, Published on 21/08/2018

» Singer, composer, social activist and "Queen of Soul" Aretha Franklin died last week. She was 76 years old. I was spinning vinyl last week at a DJ night when the news filtered through. I didn't have any of her music with me but nonetheless let everyone know that one of the greats had gone; cue to clubbers quickly searching on their smart phones for news on the First Lady of Soul.