Search Result for “development network”

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Online safety for children is everyone's responsibility

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 07/05/2018

» Shutting children away behind closed doors, away from prying eyes and with no internet, can protect them up to a point. But preventing children from engaging with the world hurts their development in the long run.



Winter in ‘Game of Thrones’, springtime for spinoffs

Associated Press, Published on 17/07/2017

» New York -- Last night (Monday morning in Thailand), the first-to-last season of “Game of Thrones” premiered on HBO as devoted fans gleefully embraced the return of favourite characters, gruesome violence, and the series signature spider web of political intrigue. The houses of Westeros are still going at it -- at least for now, anyway.


Creativity and innovation: same-same but different

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 04/08/2016

» Do creative leaders and innovation managers perform the same innovation role? A few months ago, I had an interesting conversation related to this question with the global head of idea and innovation management of a tech multinational. He revealed to my surprise that he sometimes has to supply ideas to his organisation's idea management system. This is an executive who is supposed to be a strategic, big-picture thinker driving major innovation initiatives. Sweating the small stuff is a waste of his time and talent, if you ask me.


Are you ready to be an entrepreneur? (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 25/09/2014

» My last column identified five decisions you need to make when starting a new venture: Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset? Is your business idea really worth pursuing? When should you start? Should you go it alone or with partners? How to structure a partnership? Here are the other five decisions you must consider carefully to have a good chance of succeeding as an entrepreneur.