Search Result for “day help”

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Snakes Alive

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 31/10/2012

» A magnificent serpent some 5m in length slides along the forest floor looking for another reptile to eat. Its movement is swift but steady. Senses are on high alert as a rat snake moves ahead. The big snake rears up and strikes, pumping venom into the smaller one. The two wrestle for a short while but soon it is all over as the "king" swallows the victim headfirst.



Still bobbing and weaving

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 30/01/2012

» As the sun starts its daily ascent from the eastern horizon, the early morning air is crisp and cool. It's November and not a single cloud is to be seen in the clear blue sky. Heavy dew blankets everything in Mae Lao-Mae Sae, a wildlife sanctuary situated in the northern province of Chiang Mai. Mist rises from the forest as the morning heat builds. The scent from pine trees, some hundreds of years old, is refreshing. A sea of fog covers the lowland valleys and the view from the mountaintop is truly breathtaking.