Search Result for “day help”

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The way of unity

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 01/04/2024

» In Tamil Nadu, India's southernmost state, communities are stricken with poverty. Impoverished families thus pay very little attention to education for their children because it means unaffordable school fees which put more financial burden on their already destitute life.



Small yet big

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 29/11/2023

» Prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, residents of Jalandhar in northern India were never able to see the Himalayas as the view of the mountain range -- even in close proximity -- had always been clouded by air impurities. However, after traffic pollution dissipated following lockdowns, the Himalayas suddenly came into view, unveiling mountain peaks that had otherwise been unfamiliar to residents.



Welcome Halloween with this horror line-up

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 06/10/2023

» The upcoming celebration of Halloween will once again spark people's interest in horror. A lot of events and activities to create a spooky atmosphere are being organised and horror and ghost movies -- new and old -- are making their way into cinemas and streaming platforms.



Breaking down Covid-19 tests

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 22/11/2021

» An entire school in Mukdahan province was in shock earlier this month following results of antigen test kits (ATKs) which showed many students, teachers and officers were positive for Covid-19 after the school's reopening. More than 1,000 students were left with no choice but to self-quarantine.



Staying healthy at home

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 04/05/2021

» Besides her fear of the novel coronavirus that has infected over 70,000 Thais so far, Ploy* feels anxious every time she steps onto a weight scale.



Pandemic pain

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 01/02/2021

» The excruciating impact of Covid-19 has led to several relief plans and packages to help alleviate pandemic pain. Sadly, children somehow seem to be overlooked.



Work toward a new you with these Netflix shows

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 31/12/2020

» If you have decided to stay home to avoid the risk of Covid-19 on New Year's Eve, this is probably a good time to ponder about what's been going on in 2020 and start making positive changes you wish to achieve.



Tracking the path of the virus

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 29/12/2020

» From an animal market in Wuhan, to the spread of the novel coronavirus on board the Diamond Princess, to Seoul's nightclub scene, the virus has still not stopped wreaking havoc on the world's population. Just last week, the first case of Covid-19 was reported in Antarctica at a Chilean research station.



Too much of a good thing

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 04/08/2020

» Despite being treated as a mere side vegetable, coriander has long had a place in Thailand's culinary culture. A member of the parsley family, coriander -- or phak chee in Thai -- is a significant flavour enhancer and a commonly-used garnish. Thais even have the proverb phak chee roi na, which means window dressing.



Change your mind

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 07/07/2020

» For people in Thailand, the lack of any domestic Covid-19 transmission event has been a weight off their chest. Furthermore, with curfew revoked and lockdown measures relaxed, people and businesses have sprung back to life under a new normal to prevent a second wave of infections.