Search Result for “day help”

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Boston thriller

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 11/10/2019

» Dipping my fingers into the book bag, out came yet another by James Patterson. Can this reviewer help that the Yank is one of the most prolific writers in the business? His co-author this time around is Candice Fox. Which of them came up with this plot, I wonder?



Flight of fancy

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 22/03/2019

» Intelligence agencies the world over see Russia's cloak-and-dagger operations as the greatest danger. But Russia's chief enemy is the US, to which it causes endless mischief, both directly and indirectly.


Ravens' feast

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 27/12/2018

» This reviewer's understanding of historical novels is that the authors do historical research on their topic, using actual figures and imaginary ones where need-be, to write essentially factual and hopefully interesting stories. But not all historical novelists follow this form. Some are more concerned about their own largely fictitious story than the actual events behind it.


Targeted billionaires

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 08/06/2018

» When a rich man meets his maker, I pause for few moments, not to mourn his life but to wonder what becomes of his wealth. Of no use to him now, is it buried with him? Like the pharaohs, he intends for it to accompany him in his next life? Is it inherited by his son? To do what with?


A fatal prank

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/03/2018

» Pranks are supposed to be fun. They seldom are. They're cruel. The victim invariably suffers. When complaining, he or she is admonished: "Can't you take a joke?" A pail of water falling on the head when opening the door. Being told that a loved one has had an accident. A snake put in a car. Hilarious?


A force of nature

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 28/09/2017

» Lee Child was a passable British author when he decided to try his luck in the States. It was a fortuitous decision. While the US doesn't lack detective thriller writers, he proved better than most.



The root of all evil

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 29/02/2016

» There are three kinds of people; (1) those who are told not to step on the third rail because it will electrocute them, and don't; (2) those who read the warning sign, and don't; (3) those who only believe what they experience themselves, and do.



An enduring spirit

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 18/01/2016

» With the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the world entered the atomic age. More devastating hydrogen bombs were tested, weapons of mass destruction indeed. The US and USSR rattled theirs at each other over the next 44 years, until the Soviets called it a day and the Cold War was over.



A fond farewell

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 05/10/2015

» 'The most brilliant mystery writer of our time" (Patricia Cornwell's estimation) passed away this year. British author Ruth Rendell published her first best-seller in 1964 and penned a thriller yearly ever since. She was the narrator, her characters having their say.



Extraordinary read

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 23/03/2015

» It is ironic that the fervent Catholic Henry VIII, on whom the Pope bestowed the title Defender of the Faith, should be the king who turned England away from Rome. It is also curious that he never converted to the Church of England, which he established. To this day, no Catholic can become monarch of Albion.