Search Result for “day help”

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US priest accused of abusing boys for decades in Philippines

Associated Press, Published on 09/09/2019

» TALUSTUSAN, Philippines: The American priest's voice echoed over the phone line, his sharp Midwestern accent softened over the decades by a gentle Filipino lilt.



China seizes Uighurs, abducts children as 'orphans'

Associated Press, Published on 24/09/2018

» ISTANBUL: Every morning, Meripet wakes up to her nightmare: The Chinese government has turned four of her children into orphans, even though she and their father are alive.



'Systematic slaughter': Rohingya mass graves confirmed

Associated Press, Published on 02/02/2018

» BALUKHALI REFUGEE CAMP, Bangladesh: The faces of the men half-buried in the mass graves had been burned away by acid or blasted by bullets. Noor Kadir finally recognised his friends only by the colours of their shorts.



'Trump country' faith unshaken

Associated Press, Published on 28/12/2017

» SANDY HOOK, Kentucky: The regulars amble in before dawn and claim their usual table, the one next to an old box television playing the news on mute.



9,000-plus died in battle with Islamic State for Mosul

Associated Press, Published on 20/12/2017

» MOSUL, Iraq: The price Mosul's residents paid in blood to see their city freed was between 9,000 and 11,000 dead, a civilian casualty rate nearly 10 times higher than what has been previously reported. The number killed in the 9-month battle to liberate the city from the Islamic State marauders has not been acknowledged by the US-led coalition, the Iraqi government or the self-styled caliphate.



Grown child-refugee now helps others flee Myanmar

Associated Press, Published on 16/11/2017

» KUTUPALONG, Bangladesh: Zahida Begum does not remember her home village, a tiny speck amid the mountains and forests of Myanmar. She was only 18-months-old when her mother smuggled her across the Naf River on a fishing boat, carrying her into Bangladesh.



Irma devastates Caribbean, assaults southern US

Associated Press, Published on 07/09/2017

» SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Hurricane Irma lashed Puerto Rico with heavy rain and powerful winds Wednesday night, leaving nearly 900,000 people without power as authorities struggled to get aid to small Caribbean islands already devastated by the historic storm.



Former fishing slaves struggle despite freedom

Associated Press, Published on 11/07/2017

» On the day they were freed from slavery, the fishermen hugged, high-fived and sprinted through a stinging rain to line up so they wouldn't be left behind. But even as they learned they were going home, some wept at the thought of returning empty-handed.



US hearings: Putin ordered election cyberattacks

Associated Press, Published on 22/06/2017

» WASHINGTON - A sinister portrait of Russia's cyberattacks on the US emerged Wednesday as current and former US officials told Congress Moscow stockpiled stolen information and selectively disseminated it during the 2016 presidential campaign to undermine the American political process.



Big child webcam sex bust in Philippines

Associated Press, Published on 09/05/2017

» MABALACAT, Philippines -- The suspected paedophile could see people banging on his front door through his security cameras. Were they neighbours? Cops?