Search Result for “data”

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The creative knowledge workers of Thailand 4.0

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 20/06/2016

» 'Coach Kriengsak, you should write a column about knowledge workers in Thailand 4.0," Piya, a longtime reader of the column, remarks during a coffee break at a recent seminar we attended.


Helping your boss listen better

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 01/02/2016

» Listening is one of the critical skills for executives. Unfortunately, majority of people are not good at it. Training an executive to be a better listener is not easy. Instead of hoping that one day your boss will be improve his or her listening skills, why don't we change ourselves to help them become better listeners? In part, that means making sure our presentations get the boss's attention.


New Year, New You and the New Normal

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 04/01/2016

» Everywhere you turn in the business world these days, you hear about the New Normal, or what some pundits like to call the era of VUCA -- volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. It's getting harder to predict the future. How will we prevail? Here are some working tips:


Why are so many leaders poor listeners?

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 28/12/2015

» Based on my 12 years of one-on-one executive coaching experience, the most common coaching need is listening. All of my clients are successful executives. Why do they have a problem with listening skills? Here are the explanations:


How to lead an effective meeting that brings results

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 26/10/2015

» 'Coach Kriengsak, I want to discuss how to run effective meetings," Sutas tells me.


Leading through ambiguity by aiming for clarity

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 12/10/2015

» One of the challenges that all leaders face today is how to lead others through ambiguity and into an unclear future. We cannot control the environment or prevent it from being more unclear. But there are some things we can do within our own sphere of influence to create more clarity for ourselves and the people we lead. Here are four suggestions:


Creating a business plan for the 'new normal'

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 14/09/2015

» 'Coach Kriengsak, I want to discuss our business plan for 2016," Pravit tells me. "This is the time of year when our organisation normally starts to work on the plan for the following year. But when I look back at the past three years, I think we have not planned very well. I want to do it differently this time."


Helping leaders to let go of saving face

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 11/05/2015

» A recent study by Gallup and the Human Capital Leadership Institute (HCLI) of 72 business leaders in six Asean countries identified five key developmental practices that helped them to thrive. They represent a practical, self-aware approach that emerging leaders can adopt in virtually any setting or industry:


Improving productivity for a better bottom line

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 27/04/2015

» 'Coach Kriengsak, we recently closed the book on our first quarter and revenue and profit were slightly below target," Steve tells me. "Now we've adjusted our forecast and we expect our original annual revenue target will be missed by a small amount. With that in mind, I'd like your advice on how to help my team to focus more on the things that we can control — especially our productivity."


When people do a good job, let them know

Business, Kriengsak Niratpattanasai, Published on 30/03/2015

» 'Coach Kriengsak, last time you assigned me to ask my six direct reports what was the one thing I should change to help make them more effective. Surprisingly, all of them said I needed to compliment people more when they did well in their work," Sam tells me.