Search Result for “dangerous days”

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Chillin' in the kitchen

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 20/08/2021

» For many of us, being stuck at home during the pandemic means a lot of free time to learn new skills whether it's art, gardening or cooking. For those that decide to spend their time in the kitchen to try and not be a complete noob at cooking, it may have been a funny and perhaps somewhat dangerous experience. Enter Selena + Chef, where Selena Gomez, known for her acting and music talents, takes on her little to non-existent kitchen skills. With the help of professional chefs Zooming in from all over, she gets a crash course on cooking. Guru speaks to Aaron Saidman, who developed the show and serves as one of the executive producers, and asked him what it was like producing a show early on in the pandemic and whether the possibility of Gomez cutting herself or burning her house down gave him a heart attack.



A fight on all fronts

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/08/2021

» It sucks that we are still in the throes of this pandemic, that people are suffering in all kinds of ways because of it, that incompetence rules the roost when it comes to handling the crisis and it sucks that we are still moaning about it. Though we at Guru have listed things to make lockdown bearable and listed how you could help those in need, it's time to hear from of some the city's professionals on how the state of things has affected their lives.



Can't touch this

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 23/10/2020

» Thailand is known as "The Land Of Smiles" because everyone here is happy and joyful all the time... right? As true as that is, there are certain things you can do here that can turn that smile upside down.



Yesterday, today & forever

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 10/07/2020

» It doesn't matter whether you're a kid or you're seasoned in your years: if you haven't been living under a rock and you love movies, you know who Tom Hanks is and you love him. What's not to love? He voiced a cowboy that takes us back to our childhood, played a lovable slow-witted man who taught us that life is like a box of chocolates and he's also led us through the hells of World War II during D-Day. He returns to that era of history in his new film, Greyhound, which he stars in and also wrote the screenplay for. He plays Captain Ernie Krause who helms the titular ship and is also leading a number of ships through a dangerous part of the Atlantic Ocean. Guru was able to join a digital press conference where he talks about the parallels between World War II and how Covid has affected film-making.



Behind the mask

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/03/2020

» Coronavirus -- you've been hearing about it, reading about it, but knock on wood you haven't been infected by it. The world has been sent reeling these past few months because of the virus. Everyone is in a state of panic. Masks are in short supply, sneezing in public places garners dirty looks and everyone is convinced they're living in Raccoon City and the Umbrella Corporation is behind it all (get the Resident Evil reference?). But let's all chill for a sec, which may be difficult to do given the circumstances, but we need to get our facts straight which, apparently, is hard for the Thai Ministry of Public Health to do. Let's talk about Covid-19 and how it affects us in Thailand.



The Thailand Files

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 02/08/2019

» Everyone loves a good conspiracy. There's something deliciously entertaining about the possibility that something could be true and we could spend hours and hours just reading and watching documentaries about the numerous conspiracies out there. Of course, there are others who are at the far, far end of the spectrum, who believe all conspiracies and consider themselves "truthers". Get stuck in a room or a car with these guys and they'll go on and on about how mobile phones are brainwashing you, the CIA knows your every move and how the Illuminati controls the world. Of course, there are also those simply want to have harmless fun like, you know, the nearly 2 million people, as of the writing of this article, who want to storm a certain top secret US government facility on Sept 20, as well as the lesser popular plan to storm Bangkok's Democracy Monument, which would have passed by the time this is published and will most likely involve less aliens. Nevertheless, don't think for one second that Thailand is spared from conspiracies! We've got a few right here. Remember, as a great TV show once said, "The truth is out there".



The new gold

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 21/06/2019

» Ah, Bangkok -- the city of traffic, dangerous sidewalks, delicious street food, scammy taxi drivers and jumping-on-the-bandwagoners. Bangkokians love getting on the latest trend and craze, so when the salted egg phenomenon hit, it was only a matter of time before we were swimming with all things kai khem. Lo and behold, we are now living in the age of the salted egg. Everywhere you look, there seems to be a special salted egg dish or snack that you can try. If you're feeling overwhelmed, I get you. If you're wondering how the heck salted egg is a thing, I get you, too. I wasn't entirely sure myself. But in the spirit of top-notch investigative journalism that we are known for at Guru (wot?!), I decided to embark on a salty journey. For the sake of you, dear readers, and so that you don't have to gorge yourselves on everything salted egg, we present salted egg delicacies the city has to offer, with the real question answered: Yay, Nay or Meh.



The desolation of smog

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 25/01/2019

» The first month of 2019 has been completely obscured by the hazy descent of smog upon the Big Mango and while Bangkokians are no strangers to pollution, it seems that this may be worse than before. Each morning, we wake up to a smog-infested skyline and step out into the streets breathing in fresh pollution speckled with PM2.5 dust particles, which are dangerous and fine (size-wise, not hotness-wise). Pollution Control Department director-general Pralong Damrongthai said that this may last for another month or two -- with ups and downs -- and the PCD has admitted that spraying water into the air doesn't really help (but it's so much fun so let's continue). Expect Bangkok to look post apocalyptic for a while. But fear not dear readers, we are looking out for you. We've done our research (it's never too late) and we've got a few protips on how to survive the haze.



The great outdoors

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/11/2018

» If you have felt the crisp, cool Bangkok mornings, then you're probably aware that the cool season is about to kick-off. While we may not have four seasons in Thailand, we definitely have camping season. The slightly lowered temperatures means this is the perfect time to spend a few days in the mountains surrounded by nature instead of skyscrapers. The word "camping" may give rise to a few assumptions -- roughing it out in the wild, having to rely on your wits and limited resources, being out in the open with the possibility of dangerous animals lurking about, sleeping in a tiny cramped tent, and worse of all, having to go to the "toilet" in a hole in the ground. But it's 2018 and there ways to go camping without having to suffer such discomfort.



Screen stealers

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 21/09/2018

» It's not news that the Thai film industry is doing well and the films being produced are not just successful in Thailand, are also gaining recognition outside the country. Thai blockbusters, however, are the usual: rom-coms, comedies, horror movies, horror-comedies, with a few action movies thrown in for good measure. But these aren't the entirety of the movies being made in the Kingdom. Just last week, Manta Ray won an award at the Venice Film Festival. With that in mind, we've compiled a list of other Thai films that have not only gained recognition outside of Thailand but have also received awards.