Search Result for “cut”

Showing 91 - 98 of 98


Yuu, Yes, Yuu

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 10/08/2012

» There are two things Bangkokians apparently can't get enough of - shopping centres and yakiniku restaurants. Just when you think they have become passe, a new one pops up right before your eyes. And before you know it, one may be just a B10 motorcycle ride away from your home and your nightly pilgrimage to 7-Eleven will be less appealing all of a sudden.


Let the Gluttony games begin

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 06/08/2012

» Are we just getting fatter and fatter, or have you also ordered food only to marvel at how it doesn't make a dent in your hunger? Especially with the cost of living going up, filling our belly is getting a lot more expensive. So if you want to find a place where you can eat big, and win a prize for it, you might want to consider these places that offer fun food challenges. Bon appetit and long live gluttony (the mildest of the seven sins, we say).


Eye-popping Chinese

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 20/07/2012

» Mandopop is a term for Mandarin popular music (rather than pop music performed by men or by using mandolins). It's a subcategory that falls under C-pop, or commercial Chinese language music, and is popular in China (duh), Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore. Think Andy Lau, Leehom Wang and Jay Chou. It's also the name of a new entry to Bangkok's fine dining scene that is set to popularise Chinese cuisine with modern flair.


The lame blame game

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 06/07/2012

» We all have done something in the past we have not wanted to admit to, and then tried to come up with an excuse to avoid the blame. You might have said the dog ate your homework instead of admitting laziness to your teacher. Or maybe you told your parents the cigarette pack belonged to your friend, which was technically true since you both chipped in money to buy it. Or perhaps you blamed being late to work on a taxi driver taking you on a detour when you were actually up until 4am partying.


A Bullish market

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 01/06/2012

» Opening a Japanese restaurant these days is about as safe as grabbing the horns of an untamed bull and trying to get on its back. Despite the sheer number of Nihon-esque eateries there are now in town, hotel firm Baiyoke has taken up the challenge by importing Gyu-Kaku, a yakiniku franchise of around 700 branches all over the world. And it seems its grip on the yakiniku sector of Bangkok is pretty tight since it has opened two branches in two prime locations - Thaniya and now Thong Lor - within the period of only five months.


Young Money

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 25/05/2012

» When you inevitably get fed up with working for "the man", the idea of being your own boss sounds appealing. But just like every young person dreams of owning their own bar, only to realise their friends will drink away their profits, does the reality of starting your own business match the dream? We've found four people who decided to pursue their passions and are currently at different stages of their entrepreneurship. Their stories may give you some ideas on how to take the plunge and run your own business (as you possibly achieve financial freedom).


Do not pass

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 30/03/2012

» The recent fight between BTS security guards and an Irish man over his daughter's balloons at Phrom Phong station produced one good thing. It's now etched in people's minds (probably for the first time) that innocent balloons are forbidden within the Skytrain system because they are inflammable and, therefore, considered a threat to passenger safety. There goes our plan to suck in helium and talk funny to pass time on the train.


Consumers Unite!

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 06/01/2012

» What do you do when sen lek arrives at your table instead of the sen yai that you ordered? What will you do in protest when dtac's service inevitably goes down again? How about taxi drivers who won't take you to your destination unless you accompany them on a joyride to a gem store first?