Search Result for “current market”

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Immigration and economic development

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 03/10/2016

» I happened to be at an Apple store in the US when the iPhone 7 was launched. The store was certainly one of the busiest in town that day. I was there for an iPad, which was lucky because almost immediately after the new iPhones went on sale, they sold out.


The gig economy and the future of work

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/07/2016

» For the past several years, I've spent a lot of time thinking about why we have to work the way we do. Why do we need to be in the same place from 9-5 for five days a week to do our jobs, when we could be anywhere in the world and still deliver exactly the same output? Why shouldn't we take on inspiring new projects whenever we want and work the hours that suit us?


Life after the eventual Fed rate hike

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 25/09/2015

» People often ask me what will happen to the value of the baht. After the US Federal Reserve's decision to hold back from raising interest rates last week, the questions have only increased. The Thai currency has depreciated a lot this year, falling by 9.57%, much more than the often-talked-about yuan devaluation, which sent that currency declining by only 2.75% so far this year. We are, however, not alone in this devaluation trend. Malaysia and Indonesia have seen their currencies tumble as much as 23% and 17.5%, respectively.


Building wealth in a low-interest-rate world

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 27/02/2015

» Driving around the area where I live, I've been struck by how many condominium projects there are — too many, it seems to me. It is hard to understand why people want to take the risk of building them when so many exist already. I wonder who will rent or buy them. Or do project developers know something I don't?


Secular stagnation and endless protests

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/11/2013

» Once again, it has been a terrible month for Thai politics. Tension is building up everywhere. After the conflict over a wide-ranging amnesty bill that would have eased former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's return to the country, even greater opposition mounted over the Constitution Court ruling on the charter amendment bill. One thing led to another. Now tens of thousands of protesters have gathered for massive anti- and pro-government rallies, the biggest we have seen in three years.


Some thoughts that will keep you up at night

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 25/10/2013

» This Halloween the worst may be over for the world in general, but many people are still worried about economic conditions. In fact, the latest World Economic Outlook from the International Monetary Fund pointed to the rather spooky state of the global economy. It expects growth to expand by only 2.9% this year and 3.6% in 2014 _ down by 0.3 and 0.2 points respectively compared to the predictions it made just three months ago.


Globalisation at a crossroads

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 30/08/2013

» We began 2013 on an optimistic note about our economic performance, hoping this year would be one of strong growth. But as time passes, this seems increasingly unlikely.


Getting the right job for you

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 31/05/2013

» Around this time of the year, new graduates are looking for their first job. Despite the high rate of employment in Thailand, choosing a career is still not an easy task. For a start, opinions vary. Many people (mostly your friends) will tell you to follow your heart or do what you love. But this is easier said than done, as you will often be distracted by another group (mostly parents and older relatives) who will tell you to consider job security, a company's reputation or other employment benefits.


Lessons for picking winners

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 31/08/2012

» The enjoyment I experienced watching the Olympics last month helped make up for the disappointment I felt at being unable to see any of the football matches in Euro 2012. It was a great few weeks, and I enjoyed watching those amazing athletes do a lot of amazing things.


Thailand stuck in the Middle-Income trap indefinitely

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/06/2012

» There are a lot of worries these days about the possible outcome of the European sovereign-debt crisis and its implications for Thailand. Developments in the global market are of course important to Thailand, but it is equally important to recognise that we are vulnerable not just today, but always have been for quite a long time.