Search Result for “crash”

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The underlying costs of having children

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 24/08/2014

» Children are expensive. We hear this all the time from any parent. There is no getting away from the fact that if you start a family your life changes in almost every way. For many, their uppermost thoughts are that their social life will transform into something new; there will be sleepless nights, while changing nappies and feeding become 24/7 tasks that quickly turn into tiresome chores.


A boom or a bubble?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 27/07/2014

» The world seems to be in a state of fervour with appreciating investment assets. Could the apparent nascent global economic recovery be disrupted by mere interest rate rises or even geopolitical threats? On the one hand everything appears to be chugging along very nicely in the boom. However, there are other influencing factors which many opt to overlook as most of the world joins the ever-growing herd stampeding onwards in their quest for wealth accumulation. Or are they really inflating a bubble?


US citizens take note: Fatca has landed

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 13/07/2014

» After years of talk, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca) is finally in effect. How will it affect you if you are a US citizen?


Risk vs return — what to do next?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 29/06/2014

» Yield investors beware! Are we talking bond yields or equity yields? How different are the two?


Which is better for you: Active or passive investing?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 15/06/2014

» A passive armchair investor and an active day trader have two things in common. They both depend on making the right decision at the front end of their investment cycle; in other words, active decisions.


A brand new year or just another day?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 12/01/2014

» Every year we enter a new era in some people's eyes, and with it an opportunity to begin anew. We make resolutions which we feel will improve our lives or bring us what we were lacking in the previous year.


Ride the wave or prepare for the bursting bubble?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 24/11/2013

» Global stock markets seem to be energised by steroids, otherwise known as quantitative easing (QE). At the first sign of a reduction in the dosage, equities plummet; so why is QE apparently causing an effect in contrast to the original intention? Are you adequately prepared if the bubble bursts?


Key strategies for wealth accumulation

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 10/11/2013

» Becoming financially secure is so simple that almost no one wants to believe it: Save regularly, reinvest your interest and dividend income, maintain your contributions even during down cycles, and you will accumulate wealth. It is that simple.


You can love it or loathe it, but financial regulation is here to stay

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 12/05/2013

» Is the expat investor really better off today when it comes to protection than in the "good old days", when markets seemingly were simpler to understand and regulate? Is an all-encompassing regulatory framework for the financial markets even feasible? Where is the sensible middle ground between intrusive rules and the uncontrolled elements of financial services "cowboys" and consumer internet "experts"?


Do you really understand your investments?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 07/04/2013

» Many expat investors believe they are well informed when in reality they would have a difficult time explaining the risks and opportunities of investments they have made. Why? Do we believe we know it all just because a quick Google search throws up a plethora of information?