Search Result for “courses online”

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Reskilling is critical when change moves fast

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 08/07/2019

» Learning comes naturally to many of us and for some, a lot easier than others. Nevertheless, we are all constantly learning, even if we don’t think we’re doing so in the given moment. From simple conversations with your peers, to reading a book or watching videos, your mind is always processing something. This is a powerful ability we all hold.



5 learning trends we should push this year

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 21/01/2019

» Learning is an important and lifelong activity for any human being. We continue to learn and absorb new things every day. But to really learn, we have to apply our knowledge in real life. There isn’t one consistent action for gaining knowledge every day.



What makes lifelong learning difficult

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 14/01/2019

» Curiosity is a basic instinct that humans and animals share. To fulfil our curiosity, we need to learn, so learning itself comes naturally to us from the day we are born. It is a lifelong skill that we have used and continue to use. Yet, it is something we all struggle with as we get to a different stages of life.


Lifelong learning for a bright future

Business, Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 03/01/2019

» The pace of change in our world is accelerating and the business landscape is changing accordingly. The skills needed to thrive in business today and in the future will also evolve. As a result, some of what we learned in the past and what we know today may not be relevant.


Gauging the effects of digitisation

Business, Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 24/08/2018

» The transformations brought about by digital technology, and the speed at which they happen, cannot be overstated. Before we even knew we needed them, we had Airbnb, Netflix, Uber and other life-changing services. More are on the way. I am certain that you have all seen the effects of digital disruption in many businesses, regardless of industry or size.



Mix and match your HR practices to cater to the millennial workforce

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 14/09/2015

» The generation gap, its challenges and solutions, has always been at the forefront of the managerial issues facing organisations.



The death of classroom learning: What got us here won’t get them there

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 11/05/2015

» As the headline suggests, this week I will be talking about how classroom learning is obsolete, inefficient and no longer delivers results.