Search Result for “country”

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Literary poaching

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 24/06/2013

» When a writer first puts pen to paper, he or she is often unclear about how to carry on for hundreds of pages until the pen (typewriter, computer) is put aside. Some head off in one direction, then change course. More than a few go in circles, hoping to stumble on a plot, a unique niche.



A religious relic

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 03/06/2013

» If the founding fathers of old are to be believed, it was God who told them to bring into being their respective religions. In return, they were to obey his commands without demur. To demonstrate how serious and powerful He is, He left incontrovertible, magical evidence of His existence.



Red tape

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 20/05/2013

» Few people who have pulled up stakes in Country A and put them down in Country B know what they have let themselves in for. They may expect different customs, mores, traditions and have a basic knowledge of the language. But the red tape involved in integrating will try his (or her) patience to the extreme.



Crime in the city

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 13/05/2013

» Born in the Big Apple during the Great Depression, I learned a lesson I never forgot: Have nothing to do with the stock market. (My father bought war bonds in WWII). The US _ the world _ economy tanked in 1929 for a dozen years. Frankly, I don't understand financial fluctuations. Obviously, stockbrokers don't either.



An expat's views

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 06/05/2013

» I don't know if it's true about other countries, but people who have been to Thailand for any length of time between two weeks and 20 years feel impelled to write a book about it. From what they have seen, heard and experienced they believe they understand the Kingdom and its denizens. And if they have learned Thai, they know that much more.



Human trafficking

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 18/03/2013

» Slavery is as old as mankind. The slaves were made to work by the rich and powerful, their owners and overseers, at physical labours that sapped their strength and deprived them of their dignity. Often chained, always beaten to keep them in line. Tilling fields, building pyramids, or rowing ships, they died in place.



Rogue agent

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 04/03/2013

» If crime thriller novelists are to be believed, CIA agents rival politicians and lawyers as the least trustworthy professions. Intelligence salaries and pensions are so low that they accept bribes from America's enemies to turn a blind eye to their heinous activities. Some, such as Aldrich Ames, are caught. How many are not?



The fifth Gospel

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 18/02/2013

» In this day and age, historians and historical novelists are reappraising long held views of ancient times, not least the foundations of Christianity. Which are that God sired a child with Mary, that Christ died on the cross taking the sins of mankind with him, after which He ascended to Heaven.



Retirement blues

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 28/01/2013

» The common notion about retirement is that it's something to look forward to, a time to relax and enjoy one's remaining years after decades of putting the nose to the grindstone. But that is the upside. The downside is the feeling of becoming useless, sensing the brain atrophying. There's nothing to do but watch the paint dry.



War: a way of life

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 14/01/2013

» There is something fascinating, indeed appealing, about war _ the uniforms, martial music, patriotic fervour, bravery, medals. Not for the mothers and wives back home sick with worry, but for the straplings who can't wait to get into it. Which is why so many volunteer.