Search Result for “counting”

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Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 26/09/2019

» Since the end of World War II, much-deserved credit has been given Alan Turing and his staff for breaking the Nazi Enigma code, saving innumerable lives. British boffins also came up with radar warning systems that resulted in the downing of Luftwaffe aircraft. Feats to be proud of.


Best of the best

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/02/2018

» Generations have their popular writers, but centuries' literary legends are few. Hugo and Tolstoy qualified, Hemingway and Grisham, Goethe and Dickens. Not to mention Shakespeare and Cervantes.



How to get rich

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 09/02/2018

» During the Great Depression in the Big Apple, one of the games we played was choosing our role model among the comic strip heroes we all read. Dick Tracy, Superman and Batman got most voted. They scoffed when I picked Daddy Warbucks, the billionaire who adopted Little Orphan Annie. (“Yeah, how many bad men did he catch?”)



A new sleuth

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/09/2017

» Society is based on the deal that in return for protection and security, the authorities have permission to define our rights, inalienable and otherwise. Laws and regulations apply. Nothing is more disconcerting than when they overstep their limits.



Waiting for the Fisherman

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 08/08/2016

» When asked what I like/love about of the Land of Smiles, its climate is high on my list. Though born and bred in the Big Apple, I never cottoned on to its winter cold. It was worse backpacking through Scandinavia, Finland and Russia. As for racing over icy courses, skiers are welcome to the sport.



Way too much

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 11/01/2016

» Born and bred in the Big Apple, I was raised believing -- it was in my mother's milk -- that New York is the centre of the universe. It has Times Square and Central Park, Broadway and Wall Street, the United Nations and the Empire State Building, Coney Island and two rivers, Greenwich Village and Nathan's hot dogs.



Rather clever solutions

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 22/06/2015

» While the jewelled isles don't lack for crimes, a plethora of police stories is set in England. Can you name a police inspector, chief inspector, superintendent from Wales or Ireland? Scotland has Ian Rankin's Police Detective Inspector John Rebus.



A new crime series

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 01/06/2015

» Time was when James Patterson penned a crime novel annually. Then semi-annually. Then seasonally. At the rate this reviewer is now receiving them, they seem to be coming out weekly. No sooner do I critique one than the next crosses my desk. Alone and with his team of co-authors, he's clearly on a roll.


Virgin Queen or Virgin King?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 02/12/2013

» History is full of mysteries and for centuries there have been people who dedicated themselves to trying to solve them. A few did. The problem is that after a long period, convincing evidence hasn't been found to prove the truth of this or that thesis.



Hearts and minds

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 20/08/2012

» The basic assumption in the West is that the rest of the world is comprised of savages, barbarians and ignoramuses and that the West has the moral obligation to civilise them. Not least by bringing them to God, the West's God of the New Testament of course. Hence the missionaries of every shape and form.