Search Result for “corporate governance”

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Corporate scandals: are innocent staffers adversely stigmatised?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 10/10/2016

» In years gone by, major corporate scandals were few and far between. But when they did occur, they hit big, in impact and publicity. Hence the Enrons and Lehmans made headlines around the world. Their ex-employees had nowhere to go, and few employers felt inclined to take them into their folds. Still less did head-hunters feel inclined to recommend them for new jobs, and found it hard to place them, even if the ex-employees in question had no connection with the causes of the scandals.



Women in business

Christopher Bruton, Published on 22/08/2016

» Until the more progressive countries of the World came to recognise the realities of "LGBT", it was popularly believed that all of society was born into two roughly equal groups. There were little boys and there were little girls, most of whom grew up to become men and women. Institutions recognised that natural diversity, but, except in the most enlightened societies, failed to treat those two groups with the equality that they deserved. The men went out hunting, did the heavier work, often fought with neighbouring communities, and tended to rule the roost. The women stayed home, did the housework, produced and nurtured the babies, did a lot of the lighter work around the farm, but seldom rose to leadership even though they were often wiser and tended to live longer.