Search Result for “contemporary art”

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Emerging Thai artist explores subjectivity of memory

New York Times, Published on 02/09/2023

» SEOUL — Sometimes a painting can be adjusted slightly and suddenly take on a new meaning for the artist. For Prae Pupityastaporn, a Thai landscape painter whose works are being presented at Frieze Seoul by the Nova Contemporary gallery in Bangkok, working with two similar paintings side by side can depict the delicate balance between memory and the present moment. An image can change ever so slightly, and ever so profoundly.



Banksy: Shredding prank misfired

New York Times, Published on 19/10/2018

» As the $1.4-million artwork began passing through a shredder hidden in its frame, gasps were heard in the auction room. About halfway through, the shredding suddenly stopped, and the top portion of "Girl With Balloon” seemed to have been saved.



As the French go to the polls, uncertainty is the only sure bet

New York Times, Published on 23/04/2017

» PARIS - For at least the last three French elections, voters in the town of Louviers, about 97km north-west of Paris, have cast ballots for the candidate who ultimately won the presidency. So who are they voting for Sunday, in the country’s closest race in memory?



Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated in Ankara

New York Times, Published on 20/12/2016

» ISTANBUL — Russia’s ambassador to Turkey was assassinated at an Ankara art exhibit on Monday evening by a lone Turkish gunman shouting “God is great!” and “don’t forget Aleppo, don’t forget Syria!” in what the leaders of Turkey and Russia called a provocative terrorist attack.



A seaport bustles again

Business, New York Times, Published on 04/07/2016

» When General Electric Co decided to leave its longtime home in Connecticut and chose the waterfront district of Boston for its new headquarters, it thrust a once-windswept province for fishermen and dock workers into the spotlight.