Search Result for “computers”

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What's in a phrase?

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 22/12/2019

» I decided to take the BTS last weekend. I have an old Rabbit card which I found and took along with me.


Is the customer always a 'customer'?

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 27/10/2019

» There is nothing wrong with the salesgirl. In fact she is cheery and accommodating.


Scorned She-Devil takes a back seat

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 20/08/2017

» The phone number was not one I knew, but still I took the call. "This is immigration police … we'd like to make a time to see you." Would such a phone call initially have given you a chill down your spine as it did with me? I may live a life as chaste as Mother Teresa but I still feel a sudden surge of guilt.



Response and responsibility

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 02/10/2016

» The older woman appears at the classroom door five minutes into the lesson, staring blankly at us all. Her hair is short and held back by a colourless hairband. Her faded clothes complement her displeasure, and there is a permanent downturn at both ends of her mouth. It is difficult to discern whether the blank look is one of disapproval or disinterest. We are about to find out.



Bangkok has been ‘malled’

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 28/06/2015

» It has been a while since I donned designer clothes and made my presence apparent at an inner-city PurchaseSpace, but that is exactly what I did earlier this week when I met a close acquaintance for savoury delicacies and wistful repartee at EmQuartier.