Search Result for “company”

Showing 41 - 50 of 96


Delivering feedback in an acceptable manner

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 12/03/2015

» When I first started working as a corporate employee some 30 years ago, there was no such practice as feedback as we know it today. We worked according to what our direct supervisor told us to do. He also did as his boss expected. We may have had an opportunity to discuss our performance appraisal during an annual review, which was mainly for establishing grounds for a salary increase.


Blazing the way forward with quantum leadership

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 12/02/2015

» 'I believe that leaders need a much greater sense of purpose and meaning, a much larger vision and more positive values, which should be part of leadership ethics," says Danah Zohar, the world-renowned management thinker who coined the term "spiritual intelligence" in 1997.


Transforming a technical expert into a people's champion

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 25/12/2014

» Whenever we encounter outstanding technical managers, we are impressed by how they think about and analyse things, often in ways we cannot imagine. We may believe that people with such skills should be working in more important roles. However, many great technical talents find their world turned upside down when they are put in charge of others.


From leading oneself to leading others effectively

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 13/11/2014

» All of us with any experience working in an organisation have come across challenges in managing people. We all have free will but are bound by the guidelines of our workplace in order to reach departmental and organisational goals. Many of us have learned the best way to stay out of trouble is to focus on task orientation.


The role of the boss in behavioural change

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 16/10/2014

» What do you do if you find your direct reports lack the personality traits needed to perform their work effectively? Will you provide direct and honest feedback or do nothing? Will you help develop them or be concerned only with performance?


Identifying and developing high-potential managers gives companies a strategic advantage

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 02/10/2014

» The ultimate goal of any business operation is growth. No matter what context we use, at the end of the day success boils down to increasing top-line revenue, EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) and net profit. These are the magic key performance indicators that keep top executives and board members awake at night.


Encouraging growth in a culture of fun and trust (part 2)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 18/09/2014

» When Mega Lifesciences Plc was preparing to list on the Stock Exchange of Thailand last year, chief executive Vivek Dhawan began thinking about something that hadn't occupied much of his attention in the past.


Growth in a culture of having fun and trust (part 1)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 04/09/2014

» 'I don't manage people. I help them to find themselves," says Vivek Dhawan, who is the chief executive and chief coach of Mega Lifesciences Plc, the company he has run since 1986.


Sustainable road to success bears fruit for Thai Nakorn Patana (part two)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 10/07/2014

» ‘Think carefully if you run a business, because if it’s based on moral practices, business will surely be a success. This is because everyone who works in your organisation will work with a good mindset based on Dhamma and will believe in practising good deeds,” says Supachai Verapuchong, the deputy managing director of Thai Nakorn Patana Co.


The Sustainable Road to Success bears fruit for Thai Nakorn Patana (part one)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 26/06/2014

» Supachai Verapuchong was 25 years old and just out of the monkhood, where he had spent one-and-a-half months after finishing his master’s degree, when he embarked on the most challenging assignment of his young career.