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Tapping a neighbour's energy

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 23/03/2014

» As Asean nations continue to grow, they are becoming more integrated by relying upon other members to help fuel and sustain that growth. Previously we examined Thailand’s energy relationship with Laos, and outlined the way in which Thailand is investing in Laos to help satisfy its own energy needs. This week we turn our focus from the northern border to the west, and take a look at the energy relationship between Thailand and its rapidly evolving neighbour, Myanmar.


Exporting megawatts — Part III

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 16/03/2014

» Last time we reviewed the sources of Thailand’s electricity, and noted that some of the supply comes from its neighbour to the north, Lao PDR. Almost all of Lao power projects are hydroelectric projects, often sponsored (ie funded and organised) by Thai developers and Thai banks. Thailand’s thirst for electricity has been a boon to the Lao economy, and the supply of that electricity by Laos has helped fuel Thailand’s rapid growth; a classic symbiotic relationship in many respects. Yet the cross-border supply of electricity is a legally and politically complex enterprise. Let’s look at how it is done between Laos and Thailand.


Let there be light−Part:I

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 23/02/2014

» We often take for granted the fact that when we walk into a room we can simply flip a switch and the darkness becomes light. However, have you ever stopped to consider how the electricity got to that light bulb, from where and through what method it was generated, or who regulates the sale and distribution of electric power? Over the next few weeks we are going to answer all of these questions and more as we explore Thailand’s electrical industry.


Righting the waterway wrongs

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 16/02/2014

» Last week, we began wading into the issue of water pollution in Bangkok by taking a look at the laws and government agencies that regulate the waterways. After defining the different factors that are tested for when determining the level of water pollution in a given area, we compared the statistics found by the Pollution Control Department (PCD) to the standards set forth by the US EPA. This week, we will try to trace that pollution back to its source and discover why the waterways are as filthy as they are, as well as look at a couple of high-profile cases of citizens fighting back against the polluters that illegally dump toxins where fishermen fish and swimmers swim.


Aliens have Landed: Part 1

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 22/12/2013

» Thailand is one of the most desirable countries in the world in which to live, in part because the cost of living is relatively low. Yet unless they are with an employed partner or are drawing upon savings, pensions, lottery winnings or the largesse of indulgent parents, any foreigner who wants to stay in Thailand needs to work to sustain their lifestyle.


Flying with furry friends

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 01/12/2013

» Moving to a new country can be difficult; moving to a new country without a family pet can be downright traumatic. Though there is no shortage of soi dogs and cats in need of a good home, if you already have a furry friend with whom you would like to share your Thai adventure you are free to have them join you. You will, however, have to complete some paperwork and follow certain procedures related to their health.


Insurance and icewine don't mix

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 13/10/2013

» Over the previous weeks, we have addressed a number of laws regarding the consumption of alcohol and the use of your motor vehicle. We have also covered many of the penalties that can be imposed upon a drink-driver.


Public health care for foreigners in thailand

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 08/09/2013

» Given the recent attention being paid to the plight of expats who are experiencing financial and/or medical difficulties in Thailand, we decided to take a week away from our current series of articles in order to provide some information on the government support that is available for foreigners seeking medical care in Thailand.


Getting tipsy in thailand _ Part 1

Spectrum, Angus Mitchell, Published on 25/08/2013

» If you are a tourist reading this article poolside and it is after lunch, the odds are good that you've got a cold beer or an umbrella-laden fruity concoction at your side. After all, drinks on holiday don't count, right?