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TAXES IN THAILAND Part VIII: Calculation of allowances

Spectrum, Published on 05/02/2012

» For the past couple of weeks we have used an example to figure out how tax deductions are calculated. This week we'll use the same example to show how allowances work and how they are used to determine taxable income. Remember, the terms allowance and exemption mean the same thing for the purposes of this discussion.


As doors open, businesses face a formidable frontier

Spectrum, Luke Hunt, Published on 29/01/2012

» As Myanmar trades political reforms in return for an end to economic sanctions, businesses big and small are queuing for access to the region's last closed economy. Entry will be dictated by political connections, financial clout, further reforms and necessity.


TAXES IN THAILAND VI: Calculation of assessable income

Spectrum, Published on 22/01/2012

» This week we're going to work with an example that illustrates how taxable income is calculated. We know it's hard to consider these matters in theory, and readers have asked us for examples.


Shuffling deck chairs with debt

Spectrum, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 08/01/2012

» The 1997 financial crisis was rooted in speculative excess and financial alchemy through the boom years of the 1990s. During a bubble, money comes fast and easy. And when the bubble bursts, it's those who are last to leave that are saddled with the costs.


TAXES IN THAILAND IV: More about deductions

Spectrum, Published on 08/01/2012

» Last column, we began a discussion of deductions. You'll recall that we established earlier that your assessable income in Thailand is what you earn that's exposed to Thai tax. Deductions and exemptions are subtracted from that. What remains is your tax