Search Result for “common good”

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New tattoo removal technology takes the heat out of lasers

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 05/07/2016

» Tattoos were once reserved for dropouts, sailors, criminals and punks but these days you'd be hard pressed to walk down any busy Bangkok street and not see people of all ages and nationalities sporting leg tattoos, arm sleeves and even head tattoos. Now that tattoos have gone mainstream and lost their uniqueness some people are starting to rethink their ink and would like to have them removed. Another factor in many people's desire to get a tattoo removed is that old tattoos usually fade and the fine lines spread, so they don't look as good as they did when they were first done, plus tattoos tend to look better on young skin than on older, wrinkled skin.


There's more to Botox than vanity

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 05/01/2016

» Botox is a purified form of botulinum toxin, a nerve poison produced by the same bacteria that causes botulism. Injections of the drug act like minuscule poison darts that temporarily blunt chemical nerve signals to certain muscles or glands, reducing their activity. It's less than two decades since the American FDA approved it for the "treatment of glabellar frown lines", but since then Botox has become one of the words, such as "Kleenex", "Band-Aid" or "Xerox", that we use with amazing regularity.  


Ensuring you are not scarred for life

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 11/08/2015

» To some people scars are like beautiful battle wounds, they show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it. However for many they are an unsightly reminder of a time that they'd much rather forget.


The bigger, the better? Maybe not

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 12/07/2012

» As much as men like big breasts on women, just the opposite applies to themselves. Big breasts on men, known as gynaecomastia, can be an embarrassment and it often leaves many desperate for a way to reduce their size. Some are so desperate that they take risks and go through surgery. Is the painful and expensive surgery necessary, or are there other alternatives that are effective minus the pain and money?


Smaller waist, sexier breasts

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 28/06/2012

» Haven't we all wished we could donate our fat, and not just our organs? Don't we often wish we could transfer fat from one part of our body to another? Well, we can! We can move the extra fat from our tummy and use it to enhance our breasts or even our buttocks. This means a smaller waistline and a bodacious cleavage in one sitting.


Bye bye batwings

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 14/06/2012

» Try lifting your arm up in front of a mirror, and what do you see? Tight and well shaped triceps or just excess flabby skin hanging under your arms?


Thread-lift a solution for flabby tummies?

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 12/04/2012

» A thread-lift is one the more favoured, minimally invasive anti-ageing treatments because it is reputed to be quicker and less penetrating than a conventional facelift, while yielding similar results. Although it's a popular procedure for the face, it is still quite uncommon to resort to a thread-lift to firm up the stomach or any other part of the body. Since a thread-lift does nothing more than stretch the skin, it cannot be used to treat other signs of ageing like liver spots or pigmentation, but for improving the appearance of flabby parts of the body it is definitely something to be considered.



Activate your inner charm

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 15/03/2012

» No matter how much we treat our skin on the surface, all the treatments are superficial and the results are not going to last for very long. To actually have clearer, glowing skin, it's essential to cleanse the body from the inside by reducing internal impurities. Radiant skin comes from a healthy, toxin-free body while blemished, pale skin is often the result of harmful toxins being ingested by the body.



How to shift stubborn fat?

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 08/03/2012

» Once in our thirties, fitting into our favourite outfit can become a trauma. We don't need to be overweight to have fat lumps on parts of the body. Eating a healthy diet and exercising well can delay the process considerably, but age eventually takes its toll on our metabolic rate. And once these fat lumps and cellulite appear, getting rid of them can be really difficult because even exercise doesn't help much, and we often have to resort to the latest technologies. But with so many options available, which one are we supposed to be getting done? Liposuction, or just injections _ or are there easier ways? And what's best for our condition? Let's find out more about the common procedures available, how they work and what results to expect.


Beauty is skin deep, or maybe not

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 01/03/2012

» It's the attractive outer appearance of a person that draws us towards them, to converse with them, get to know them better and hang out with them. And in Asian culture, fair skin alone gives you an above-average-rating on your looks. It's no wonder Asian women from all socio-economic backgrounds go to unbelievable lengths to become just a little whiter.